Dude, It's A Debate
This week in Miami, in the midst of a hurricane battered state, two candidates will meet face to face. It took a 32 page memorandum of understanding for the Bush and Kerry teams to agree to sit on identical stools (among other things) at Thursday's Presidential Debate. In a get out the tape measure kind of a deal these two candidates will stand exactly 10 feet apart. The debate teams tried to prohibit certain camera angles, but the press says it won't be prohibited in their journalistic freedom. Kerry is a seasoned debater, and Bush has a powerful, simple message, so what can we expect? Take a word of wisdom from former Texas Governor Ann Richards, "never underestimate Bush". The debate airs at 8PM EST with millions expected to tune in. There are two more Bush/Kerry debates and one Cheney/Edwards to come.
BIRDS & BEES: Blogger boobie-thon returns: Online world shows its support for curing breast cancer.
HOLLYWOOD: Woody Allen sounds off on the election: "I don't find politics profound enough to deal with it as an artist."
JOCKS: Build it and they will come: Chinese translation of New England Patriots' website is now available.
TECHNOLOGY: Your voice counts: Al Gore's new cable TV network looking for "a new generation of media-savvy creators."
TUNES: "Sitting on the sidelines would be a betrayal": Bruce Springsteen explains why he decided to speak out.
WEB SURF: Old Blues Eyes is at it again: Frank Sinatra knows what worries today's airline travelers.
Debating the issues? Wanna see a few grown men hash out their plans for the future of our country? Get a handful of friends together, make some popcorn and check out the debates Thursday night. A big part of safe voting practices is knowing who you give your vote to.
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