Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Land Of Opportunity (To Bash Opponents)

"On this night, as we celebrate the opportunities that America offers, I am filled with gratitude to a nation that has been good to me, and I remember the people who set me on my way in life." Vice President Dick Cheney RNC 2004

Everybody came out swinging today at the RNC in New York. In a Battledome-esque Verbal Death Match, speaker after speaker opened fire on Kerry and Edwards. Controversial Georgia Senator Zell Miller who claims to be a Democrat spoke before Cheney tonight and lambasted Kerry in support of Bush. Miller has been divorced from his home county Democrat Party and they insist he is no longer a Democrat. Vice President Cheney took to the podium with a fistful of barbs for his opponents as well. Officially accepting the Republican nomination for Vice President, Cheney pledged to stay the course and fight with all he's got for another four years.

Meanwhile, protesters seemed to largely be on message addressing what they believe is the lack of opportunity in America today. On the streets of New York there was a three mile long "unemployment line" complete with pink slips. On the convention floor, in separate incidents more than a dozen people were arrested and shouted down by delegates hollering "four more years!". More than 1700 protesters have now been arrested since the start of the convention.

Tomorrow: "A Safer World, a More Hopeful America" brings President Bush to the podium to accept his party's nomination.

BIRDS & BEES: Hot and steamy Cheney?: Lynne's out-of-print lesbian romance novel in hot demand.

HOLLYWOOD: Baldwin vs. Baldwin: Alec slams little brother Stephen for supporting GOP.

JOCKS: Baseball teams for Bush: New York Mets are solidly supporting Republican ticket.

TECHNOLOGY: Get your politics off my computer: Re-elect Bush screen saver gets low marks from Internet enthusiasts.

TUNES: Play it loud and play it proud: When not flip-flopping, Kerry swings an electric axe with the best of them.

WEB SURF: Turn the other cheek? Mild-mannered Al Franken lays down the law at Madison Square Garden.

Undecided? That's OK (for now). Just be sure to register to vote now so you can cast your ballot when you are ready to vote.