We Will Never Forget
I know exactly where I was when I heard the news. I remember the confusion, the conflicting reports, the hubub and hushes of listening for more on the story. And then the images. The people covered in dust. The falling bodies. The horror and the fear. We gathered in disbelief. We held candles, sent money, scrambled to assist the victims. There were no commercials for days on the TV. I was more than a thousand miles away and I still feel connected to the events in New York, DC, and Pennsylvania three years ago. Most of us do. There will be a lot of rhetoric and discussion about the war on terror this week, but here at VoterVirgin, we set this day aside to remember. Here is the Voices Project, set to rest on the third anniversary of our national tragedy. We can only hope that time begins to heal.
BIRDS & BEES: No solace in sex: Contrary to popular belief, September 11 did not lead to a June 2002 baby boom.
HOLLYWOOD: Wings of revulsion: New Wim Wenders film "Land of Plenty" explores the ugliness of post 9/11 America.
JOCKS: A September to remember: Upcoming HBO documentary chronicles role of baseball in recovery of the American psyche.
TECHNOLOGY: Shining hope to the heavens: Funding authorization ensures that Tribute in Light will continue for another five years.
TUNES: Listen to the sound of sorrow: The Sonic Memorial Project records audio memories of the 9/11 tragedy.
WEB SURF: We miss you very, very much: Powerful website encourages users to leave online memorials to September 11 victims.
PS: A long time ago my mother told me that it is the responsibility of the living to embrace the world around us and live life to the fullest. From grief comes the reminder that we are lucky to be alive. Please vote.
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