The Media Gone Wild
Sinclair Broadcasting has determined that they will air a controversial anti-Kerry film that takes issue with his protesting the Vietnam war after he returned as a decorated hero. Forcing some stations to pre-empt regularly scheduled prime time shows, Sinclair says they are putting together a "news event" and have invited Kerry to appear as a guest. This film has already been widely criticized as partisan, taking words very far out of context, and a distortion of the facts. Likewise, 60 Minutes which has been working for months on a piece about the intelligence that lead us into war in Iraq, has chosen NOT to air their piece before the election because they do not want to be percieved as promoting a partisan agenda.
BIRDS & BEES: Whatever it takes: Getting naked to get out the vote in California.
CAMPAIGN ISSUE: Stem cell research might have saved Superman, but can we stop arguing about it long enough to do some research?
JOCKS: The curse of the Bambino: Is the fate of John Kerry and this year's Red Sox team intertwined?
TECHNOLOGY: Slow to change Experts charge that government is withholding important e-voting data.
TUNES: Do you feel like we do? New US citizen Peter Frampton comes alive for Democrats.
WEB SURF: Light my fire: Vote for your favorite party animal in the Zippo Election Challenge.
Calling all you witty linguists: have you submitted your election season haiku yet? Did we mention cash prizes?!?
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