Sunday, June 06, 2004

Crawford Mayor Endorses Kerry

"I don't see where I'm better off than I was four years ago," says Robert Campbell, the mayor of Crawford, Texas. "I don't see where the city is any better off." Campbell's words are somewhat surprising, given that President Bush owns a sprawling ranch nearby. But this ranch, as well as the potential backlash from local Republicans doesn't bother the man who has served as mayor since 1999. He adds: I have the right to vote for who I want to be president. If some people around here don't like it, they can vote for someone else for mayor."

BIRDS & BEES: Going overseas to get a piece, err . . keep the peace: New book details sexcapades at UN.

HOLLYWOOD: Whale bonds: Pierce Brosnan becomes honorary spokesman for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

JOCKS: Big bucks for dirty laundry: 1959 Ted Williams baseball jersey sells for $70,000.

TECHNOLOGY: Idle hands are the devil's workshop: New Zealand man sends 80,000 text messages in one month.

TUNES: Dinosaur rock: Swedish group announces plans to release Tyrannosaurus Hives on July 20.

WEB SURF: Dinosaurs, pirates, dobermans, and porn shots: Bob the Ball is pretty damn weird