A Great Site for Undecided Voters
Well, not really, but you might think he is if you take the word of the Republican spinmasters at face value -- which is what Karl Rove and company are betting you will do. Indeed, the aptly-titled website JohnKerryIsADoucheBagButI'mVotingForHimAnyway.com is a great destination for anyone who remains ambivalent about the coming election. As noted by site designer Alan Blevins: "I am not one who is known to meddle in politics, or, in all honesty, prior to this election year, vote. However, I feel so strongly that the fate of this great nation, and indeed even the modern world as we know it, hinges solely on this election, that I felt compelled to put my thoughts to word." Also, don't believe everything you hear about the Democratic nominee being the master of the flip-flop: sadly, this is another large exaggeration manufactured by the Right.
Only 146 days until the November 2 general election. Have you registered to vote yet? Have all of your friends?
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