Friday, June 25, 2004

Is Hitler Running For US President?

New ads launched by the Bush/Cheney camapign call Democrats the 'coalition of the wildeyed" and uses images of Hitler recently protested by the GOP. The continuing references to Hitler and the Nazis are inflaming both sides of the political spectrum, and we still have four months of campaigning to go. Let's just hope brown shirts aren't scheduled to be the hot fall fashion and leave it at that.

BIRDS & BEES: Fertility treatment finds a friend in heroin addiction treatment.

HOLLYWOOD: Hollywood fundraiser for Kerry complete with Streisand, Crystal, Diamond, and other stars breaks records, raising $5mil in one night.

TECHNOLOGY: Need a lift? Wonka-esque elevator aims for space rides within 15 years.

TUNES: Clapton's guitar breaks record bringing in $1mil at auction for treatment facility. Guess they won't be asking him to play Cocaine on it anytime soon.

WEB SURF: Think you know your toys? See how you score after this quiz.

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