Democrats Call For Unity
In America, the true patriots are those who dare speak truth to power. The truth we must speak now is that America has responsibilities that it is time for us to accept again." Teresa Heinz-Kerry
"Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America—there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America." Obama at the DNC 2004
On Tuesday night, the new kid on the block, Illinois State Senator Barack Obama, stole the show. With a compelling story of his parent's love and the unlikely rise of an African goatherder's son to serve in the US government, the audience was captivated and impelled to remember the American dream is alive and we are not as divided as the press would have us believe.
Today at the convention was a day of paying respects to those who have work tirelessly this year to raise the momentum behind the Democratic party. Howard Dean received a two minute standing ovation before he even started speaking, clearly included many grateful party members that did not originally campaign for him. Party leadership seemed a little surprised, but Dr. Dean is recognized at the grassroots as an dynamic speaker who brought the national dialogue and internet campaigning to a new level. The Dems are better off because the Dean campaign raised the bar. And they were on their feet tonight expressing their gratitude as he delivered his modified stump speech "I am voting for John Kerry and John Edwards because..." (formerly known as "I am running for president because...")
Wrapping up the evening on the podium, Teresa Heinz-Kerry spoke from the heart about her life, her second husband, and the vision he holds for America. " Addressing the audience in 5 languages, she calmly and eloquently shared her essence and passion for America.
Meanwhile, the delegates seem to be working very hard in committee hammering out the platform. Bloggers are having trouble getting credentials. The 527 non profits and PACs are taking heat from the press for schmoozing donors. Protesters are finding peace and space at the Boston Common while still managing to avoid the free speech zone (aka the cage). And the speakers, parties, trainings, and interviews are on a non-stop 24 hour roll in Boston.
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