Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Entire Buildings of Nuclear Material Missing In Iraq

Years ago, the IAMB ( International Atomic Monitoring Board) went into Iraq to survey the equipment that could be used to make a nuclear weapon. They sealed these machines and monitored their whereabouts quite effectively until they were evacuated from Iraq and prevented from re-entering the country by the US. Their new report indicates that entire buldings housing high tech equipment have been dismantled and disbursed to unknown locations in a feat even David Copperfield would be proud of. Officials are required to report any of this equipment being moved, but do not seem to have complied with this. Reminiscent of Baghdad Bob, Iraqi officials now insist there is no missing equipment despite the evidence of commercial satellite photos.

BIRDS & BEES: Old nudes is still news: Conservative congressman haunted by a streak from the past.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: What's your favorite position?: Online sex mag lays out the candidate's platform on ten major issues.

JOCKS: Baseball wins this round: Most Boston fans will chose ballgame on Wednesday night.

TECHNOLOGY: Be wary of the web: Online voter guides offer very different presidential visions.

TUNES: Rock for change: Midnight Oil singer Peter Garret wins spot in Australian parliament.

WEB SURF: But what about the ferrets? George Bush plus Gary Busey equals love.

Cash rewards for Wit: VoterVirgin seeks cunning linguist to capture that tingly feeling democracy can evoke. Hey You! Haiku?