Thursday, June 10, 2004

Revised Report Says World is Less Safe

A State Department report ("Patterns of Global Terrorism") released in late April ostensibly provided objective proof that current Bush Administration policies were making the world less dangerous. However, on Tuesday, revelations surfaced that the bookkeeping they were using to arrive at such a conclusion was not entirely accurate. Indeed, U.S. officials and terrorism experts have now acknowledged that the number of significant terrorist incidents actually increased in 2003, perhaps to its highest level in 20 years.

BIRDS & BEES: What would Jared do? Asian doctor says four wanks a day is better than dieting.

HOLLYWOOD: The 411 on Fahrenheit 9/11: Tinseltown celebs get first look at controversial documentary.

JOCKS: Next time he plans to weara a Ku Klux Klan mask in South Africa: Pro wrestler fired after giving illegal Nazi salute in German arena.

TECHNOLOGY: Outsourced happiness: Study says that morale among IT workers has dropped to all-time low.

TUNES: Cyrin' Ryan does the craziest things: Adams posts an album's worth of free demos on his website.

WEB SURF: What have you been doing with your life? Nifty interface tells you how you have been spending your time.

Only 145 days until the November 2 general election. Have you registered to vote yet? Have all of your friends?