A Call To America
I want to address these next words directly to President George W. Bush: In the weeks ahead, let's be optimists, not just opponents. Let's build unity in the American family, not angry division. Let's honor this nation's diversity; let's respect one another; and let's never misuse for political purposes the most precious document in American history, the Constitution of the United States.
Senator John Kerry, Democratic Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 2004
Surrounded by family and fellow veterans, John Kerry accepted the Democratic nomination for President on the final night of the 2004 convention. Preceded by a video endorsement including ten retired US Generals and introductory speeches by his daughters, Kerry set the place roaring in a lively, inspiring speech. But is the undecided American voter paying attention to four days of a positive message? Will the Bush campaign respond to Kerry's direct words to the President? All this and more to come (including the Republican Convention) in the next 90+ days until November 2.......
Hold your own mini-convention and be sure the ones you love are registered to vote.
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