Monday, July 05, 2004

Patriot Act Now Opposed by Over 300 Communities

Who are the true heros on this Independence Day weekend? Look no farther than the 330 communities around the United States that have followed their conscience, passing resolutions opposing the draconian USA Patriot Act. These resolutions draw attention to the folly of a law that restricts the hard-fought freedoms ensured by the founders of our democracy. As noted by John Torma, a former city councilman from Missoula (Montana), "The ability for the government to—within the law—violate constitutionally protected freedoms, whether or not the government is actually doing it, is frightening, because you just don’t know who’s going to use it when. That’s what the framers of both our state and federal constitutions fought vigorously against, and if we don’t fight to keep that, we’re going to lose it."

BIRDS & BEES: Can't God see through our clothes anyway? Nepalese women work fields in the nude to generate rain.

HOLLYWOOD: Then Spiderman intervened and everything was fine: James Caviezel pressed to perform miracles in Mexico.

JOCKS: Insert random oral sex joke here: Diminutive Japanese man devours 53 hot dogs in 12 minutes.

TECHNOLOGY: Courting the Geek vote: Kerry campaign opts for open source software, while Bush website uses Microsoft.

TUNES: Baby got back: Macy Gray promises to perform au natural to benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

WEB SURF: Things that elevate when warmed, quickly explode and inspire you to say "ah": Didn't you get enough fireworks last night?

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