Thursday, August 05, 2004

CDC Considers Nixing Condoms

Quietly, the Department of Health and Human Services along with the CDC is proposing to cut federal funding of HIV awareness groups that teach about use of condoms. Abstinence groups stress that it is human behavior that needs to change, not use of condoms. Citing the fact that abstinence is 100% effective (and condoms are allegedly 80% effective) at preventing unwanted pregnacy and disease, these groups belive that teaching abstinence and condom use is a conflicting message. With pregnacy and HIV infection rates down in the US, condoms are getting a lot of the credit along with an increase in abstinent adults. But will those rates stay down if the next generation is never told what a condom is? Meanwhile, Bono pleads for both parties to make AIDS prevention a priority.

The CDC is accepting public comment at through August 16th.

BIRDS & BEES: Seminal production: Indian city weaves through 600,000 condoms per day.

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