A Call To Spread The Love
Dear Friends,
I am posting today to ask for your help.
A little over a year ago, a group of friends and family came together to create VoterVirgin. Our goal is to inspire a gazillion voters by engaging them with a smile. We succeeded in creating an irresistable, potent tool and a special place that has grown completely by word of mouth. VoterVirgin has been supported entirely without advertising or sponsors, a true product of we the people. We'd like to keep it that way, so we need your help and contribution through our secure pay pal link.
Now here is the situation I am asking you to get behind and support:
New Voters Project a non-partisan, multi-state voter registration and get-out-the-vote project, has informed us that they know of 160 groups and campuses who want to use the Voter Virgin materials but do not have the funds to buy a RAK (the full package which includes a large banner, tee shirts, signs, give-away pens, rubber stamps and washable tattoos). A RAK costs $350 and can be used over and over with nominal replenishing of give-aways. Groups who are using these materials consistently report that the numbers of new voter registrations increase by 2 to 3 times their previous efforts. There are only 90 days left until the election, so we need your help today.
We want these donations to be as personal as possible. We want the groups using the Voter Virgin registration materials to know that we are out here supporting their efforts. We want them to know the name of the individual or group of individuals who are providing them with these materials. We want them to know there are real people out here who care and appreciate that they are taking their time to bring their peers into political awareness and action.
Please examine your heart and participate in this "Gift Raising". If you can donate a full RAK or part of a RAK there is a group waiting to thank you and put it to use. Examine if you or anyone in your network can donate several RAKs. There are people around you wanting to make a difference. This is an opportunity for them to do so.
Get out the vote groups all over the country are now making plans for massive voter registration drives to begin in August and continue through the Fall. It is vital that groups know we are behind their efforts in a tangible and supportive way. Let's put some fun into their hands. It will make their job easier and build their energy to continue with the massive effort to turn our country's shameful voting statistics on their ear!! Please decide to take action now while this blog is still open and before it goes into history and is forgotten. Forward it to friends, ask them to be involoved with you. Take action.
New voters can turn this country into a participatory government again. We, the people CAN, once more, have meaning.
To contribute, please use the pay pay donation on the front page of VoterVirgin. If you have qustions, please don not hesitate to be directly in touch.
Thank you.
Voting Is Beautiful,
Teresa Van Deusen
creator, VoterVirgin
Austin, TX
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