Tuesday, July 06, 2004

One Leader Decides, Another Decides Not To Decide (maybe)

John Kerry announced that Senator John Edwards will run as his vice president stirring up a flurry of people scrambling to name the John duo. Do you call them Johni? Is it a pas deux John? The Dudes-J? J2? Meanwhile, President Bush commented that he may not nominate a new CIA director until after the election. The current CIA director, George Tenet, will step down this Sunday amid criticism for failed intelligence.

BIRDS & BEES: Is it still sex education if you don't mention condoms? What about Leave No Child Behind?

HOLLYWOOD: Spiderman webslings Michael Moore's butt over the weekend, Michael in turn supports piracy.

TECHNOLOGY: Better than picnic ants, order your robotic fireflies before they are all gone

TUNES: Aussie music festival shuts down art-sex in a tent, but allows couple to screw on stage.

WEB SURF: Did it come from under the sea? No, just another cool tribute to Ray Harryhausen.

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