Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Upcoming Bush Ad to Feature John McCain

Although he has been a frequent critic of the current administration, Arizona senator John McCain is now filming a TV commercial supporting the re-election of President Bush. McCain ran against Bush in 2000 and was the target of a vicious s smear campaign in South Carolina orchestrated by Karl Rove. More recently, it was rumored that McCain would be John Kerry's unconventional choice for Vice-President. Now that VP honors have gone to North Carolina senator John Edwards, McCain seems to be back in the Republican fold. Politics always makes for strange bedfellows.

BIRDS & BEES: Your Better Boobness Bureau at work: Dutch legislators considering seal of approval for legitimate brothels.

HOLLYWOOD: Our litigious society at work: BBC confirms that Daleks will be missing from the new Dr. Who series.

JOCKS: Did you say that you wanted an adrenalin rush? Running of the Bulls starts tomorrow morning in San Fermin, Spain.

TECHNOLOGY: A fish that tastes like a steak is the next breakthrough: Chiquita to introduce strawberry flavored bananas.

TUNES: That's why the name of his band rhymes with porn: Jonathan Davis to enter the world of adult filmmaking.

WEB SURF: Rock lobster: A very strange song about very strange things from the sea that stick to magnets.

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