Thursday, November 11, 2004

A Call To Protect The Vote

This is not about wanting to change the election results, this is about setting an example of integrity and moral values for the whole world.

If America is to lead the world towards a free and democratic future, we must be exemplary role models and uphold the moral integrity of our elections. A shadow has been cast upon the 2004 vote. There are serious allegations of voter fraud and irregularities. There are VoterVirgins who want to know if their vote will be counted. These allegations are not limited to Ohio and Florida, they are surfacing across the nation from several political parties and independent sources.We believe that every single vote is precious and ask you to help us uphold this principle with your voice.

In order to restore voter confidence and to lift this shadow from our democratic process we ask you to call upon your elected officals and insist on a complete investigation of the 2004 election discrepencies.

First of all, if you were forced to cast a provisional ballot, had difficulty voting, or witnessed any irregularities at the polls, we encourage you to report your experience ASAP (no matter what state you voted in). Please call the ACLU 1-877-523-2792 and share your experience.

Counting every vote is not a partisan issue. And while some would have you believe that one party is a bunch of losing whiners for bringing this up, if we are to preserve our democracy we must all insist on a full investigation. I mean, come on, how would you feel if you found out your vote had been spoiled or disqualified or disappeared? How are you going to feel if these accusations linger and remain unresolved? Getting to the bottom of this benefits people of all political persuasions.

There are many people and organizations calling for an investigation already. Depending on your personal political persuasion, you can join the call for investigation of this election through a number of activist groups or do it independently (see resources below).

There are multiple news sources and message boards where you can stay up to date on the Fight to Count America's Votes. For a multitude of lame reasons, there is not widespread coverage of this issue. It would be funny how out of touch the media is with America's concerns if this was not such an important issue. It is up to us, the people, to keep this story alive until these issues are resolved. So, stay informed and spread the word (see resources below).

Contact Your Elected Officials:
We recommend you speak from the heart and simply ask for a full investigation by the GAO and the FBI into all voting irregularities.

Find your official here:

Organizations Calling on Congress For a Full Investigation:

BlackboxVoting(the techie experts)
CommonCause (petition)
Green /Libertarian
League Off Pissed Off Voters (and friends)
People For The American Way
Ralph Nader

Follow The Story:

Engage Yourself In A Long Term Commitment To Election Reform:
Straightening up our election systems is a long term job and possibly the most important cause we can take up for America. Ready to dive in?

Election Reform Information Network
The League Of Women Voters

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Post Doin' It Wrap Up (Part 1)

We commend the VoterVirgin Class of '04 for exemplary participation and send a special shout out to everyone that worked so hard to get out the vote in 2004!!!

It looks like everybody really did get out and do it in '04 (20.9 million 18-25 yo votes!). We are very proud of both the youth voter and overall first time voter turnout. There was a lot of hot, passionate voter activity on the ground. So now,our first priority here at VoterVirgin is to check in and see how you are doin' after your first time. (we thought some of you might need a hug)

This has been a particularly emotional and difficult election. Maybe you are celebrating, but at least half of you have had your first political heartbreak and now know the emotional responsibility that comes with being vote-active. The combined emotional experience of being empowered to act and suffering a loss can be a real rollercoaster. You are likely to be experiencing a wide (and possibly deep)range of emotions. It is important to ask questions, express yourself (in healthy ways), and have the support of people who understand your passion. We hope most of all that you can find a way to turn your experience into a proactive commitment to democracy.

A few resources if you have been hurt by your first experience.

There is some good commiserating to be found if you need an electoral hug. Bolt (no nuts) is speaking up.

Need to feed your anger?

Satisfy your scepticism? All conspiracies begin as theories. Was the election stolen?

Pro-active healing? Discover inspiration to keep on making a difference.

Give us a shout out and let us know how it went for you. Questions? We'll try to find answers for you. Empowered? Impressed? Deflated? We've heard it all, so feel free......

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

And The Hey You! Haiku! GRAND PRIZE WINNER Is....

After much deliberation we are happy to announce our Grand Prize $150 Winner:

Sazzy said...

Want to know the truth?
The only way to my heart?
You have got to VOTE!

bolt username: lalakersgirl

Sazzy, you won us over with the heart of the matter. If you care, you vote. Congrats!
(The check is in the mail!)

And to all who have contributed to our collective zen as the election approached, we thank you for your outpouring of lovely haiku. They might not be done counting the votes for a few days yet, but what really counts is how many new voters felt empowered to participate. And those numbers are FABULOUS!

Please share with us how the first time went for you.

Everybody Is Doin' It In '04 (and we are soooo proud!)

Millions of VoterVirgins are making history in the 2004 election and it's really amazing to see! You are empowered, prepared to practice safe voting, and will not be denied at the polls. It's great to hear your voice as part of this event.

A few last minute gems of inspiration and tools if you need them.

Please share a little Love with us and let us know how the first time went for you. We encourage everyone to leave a comment here after you have voted.

1. Know where your polling place is.
2. Bring ID (photo may be required): driver's license or state id, passport, your voter registration card, a bill with your name and address on it.
3. If you are told you are not on the voter rolls call: 1-866-OUR VOTE and be sure to ask for a provisional ballot if necessary.
4. DO NOT LET ANYONE INTIMIDATE YOU AT THE POLLS. Know your voter's bill of rights
5. Lines may appear longer than actual size. It's worth the wait!


If you still need to figure out where to vote try (not a complete list) OR check out the easy instructions at "Everything You Need To Know To Practice Safe Voting".

Election Protection Bilingual Hotline: If you have any trouble voting you can call: 1-866-OUR VOTE. PFAW has also published a lovely voter's right guide for almost every state as well. Do not be denied at the polls this year.

Still undecided? Try The League of Women Voters for a candidate and issues guide OR take the Public Agenda First Choice Quiz to help match your values with candidates. Want to view the sassiest grasssroots voterguide of the season? Check out Indy Voter.

Top Ten Reasons To Vote:

1. Vote For Love
2. Vote To Be Heard
3. Vote Because Some People Don't Want You To
4. Vote Like You Need A Job
5. Vote Because You Own It
6. Vote For Less Evil
7. Vote For Your Future
8. The World Is Waiting
9. For Those Who Have Come Before Us
10. Vote Because You Can

You can e-mail this blog link to any of your friends. Please Spread the Love and increase voter participation among your friends and family. Every vote matters. Every vote counts. VOTE NO MATTER WHAT.

BIRDS & BEES: Let's make every day an election day: More free porn for people who vote.

JOCKS: In case you are still undecided about all this: Maybe the candidate's positions on steroids will tip the balance.

TECHNOLOGY: Nice track record, by the way: Problems with e-voting systems first surfaced six years ago.

TUNES: Whistle while vote: Here's a catchy little number with a chorus that is pretty hard to forget.

WEB SURF: Had enough of all of this already? Then just punch out your least favorite Presidential candidate.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Reason # 1 To Do It In '04: Vote For Love

If it was not for the power of Love we might never have survived this long as a species. It is Love that makes the world go around. It is Love that motivates us to nurture and protect that which is precious to us. It is Love that inspires a passionate vote. Maybe you Love a special park, or a tree and you want to protect it. Maybe you Love your grandparents and want to support an issue close to their hearts. Maybe you Love your freedom. Maybe you Love a candidate. Maybe you Love democracy. Whatever it is that lifts your heart, use it to lift your voice at the polls tomorrow. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Vote for the things you Love.


BIRDS & BEES: With friends like these, who needs enemies: Wife of British Prime Minister criticizes Bush's record on gay rights.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Let's get legal: Will the next president appoint a judge to the Supreme Court? Are you worried about John Aschcroft and the policies of the Attorney General? Is our justice system working for you? You decide.

JOCKS: Green Bay 28, Washington 14: Tradition says that yesterday's Redskin loss means incumbent President will also lose.

TECHNOLOGY: Paper or plastic? Electronic Freedom Foundation urges California voters to demand traditional ballot.

TUNES: Not this one anymore: Leader 70s pop band asks President to quit using his signature song at campaign rallies.

WEB SURF: Say hello to my little friend: Tony Montana meets Vice President Cheney.

Still nervous about the first time? Be sure to practice safe voting: know who you are giving your vote to, how to do it, and when and where to go to do it.


If you still need to figure out where to vote try (not a complete list) OR check out the easy instructions at "Everything You Need To Know To Practice Safe Voting".

Election Protection Bilingual Hotline: If you have any trouble voting you can call: 1-866-OUR VOTE. PFAW has also published a lovely voter's right guide for almost every state as well. Do not be denied at the polls this year.

Still undecided? Try The League of Women Voters for a candidate and issues guide OR take the Public Agenda First Choice Quiz to help match your values with candidates.