Friday, July 30, 2004

Super Dope Prompts War On Drugs

Not widely covered here in the US, Bush has called to allocate War on Drugs resources to battle the new super-marijuana being smoked by teens in the US. Deciding to pursue "soft drugs" instead of "hard drugs" (like cocaine and heroin), the president cited recent busts that tested for much higher THC levels than before despite disagreement from experts who say the testing produces a faulty impression. Implying that the government will target users, this new initiative is expected to ramp up before the November election.

BIRDS & BEES: Came for Kerry, stayed to marry: Lesbian delegate takes advantage of Massachusetts same-sex laws.

HOLLYWOOD: Good glitz is no glitch: Kerry camp excited about entertainment industry support.

JOCKS: My big fat Greek distraction: Will the Summer Olympics derail momentum from the Democratic Convention?

TECHNOLOGY: Exposing the problems with e-voting: Howard Dean leading the charge to establish paper trails for all ballots.

TUNES: Can Bruce Help Beat Bush? "No Retreat, No Surrender" looks to be Kerry's 2004 theme song.

WEB SURF: Wow, he really could see the future: Re-visiting Bush's 2003 State of the Union Address.

Another lovely full moon hangs in the sky. With only three more lunar cycles until the election, have the stars inspired you to register yet?

Thursday, July 29, 2004

A Call To America

I want to address these next words directly to President George W. Bush: In the weeks ahead, let's be optimists, not just opponents. Let's build unity in the American family, not angry division. Let's honor this nation's diversity; let's respect one another; and let's never misuse for political purposes the most precious document in American history, the Constitution of the United States.
Senator John Kerry, Democratic Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech 2004

Surrounded by family and fellow veterans, John Kerry accepted the Democratic nomination for President on the final night of the 2004 convention. Preceded by a video endorsement including ten retired US Generals and introductory speeches by his daughters, Kerry set the place roaring in a lively, inspiring speech. But is the undecided American voter paying attention to four days of a positive message? Will the Bush campaign respond to Kerry's direct words to the President? All this and more to come (including the Republican Convention) in the next 90+ days until November 2.......

BIRDS & BEES: Undies with an attitude: Heinz-Kerry 'shove it' remark shows up in the strangest places.

HOLLYWOOD: Ben there done that: Does newly single Affleck have amorous intentions for Vanessa Kerry?

JOCKS: Politics and baseball: Young Democrats of America talk about strike outs and home runs.

TECHNOLOGY: Hyping hydrogen: Kerry hopes that high-tech car will help reduce American dependence on foreign oil.

TUNES: So wrong to use our song: Lawyers want JibJab Bush-Kerry parody tune pulled from Internet.

WEB SURF: Kevin Smith cares if you vote: View the election oriented Public Service Announcements from Declare Yourself.

Hold your own mini-convention and be sure the ones you love are registered to vote.

Positively John (x2)

Between now and November—you, the American people—you can reject the tired, old, hateful, negative, politics of the past. And instead you can embrace the politics of hope, the politics of what’s possible because this is America, where everything is possible. John Edwards, Democratic Nominee for Vice President

Committees at the 2004 DNC in Boston have been working hard all week to hammer out the details of the party platform and to go through the procedure of officially nominating John Kerry for president. The nomination, though an apparant given, still has to be moved through the process. John Kerry arrived via boat in Boston, alongside his Navy crew from Vietnam. Almost simultaneously, the terror alert level was raised to orange. The Dems continue to stay on message speaking positively about their plans while avoiding "Bush bashing". John Edwards took to the stage and shared his vision for America and the values he believes in and then he launched into his near famous "two Americas" speech, a sure crowd pleaser he used during the campaign. One thing this convention has managed to do is avoid the political polarization and bashing and find time to speak of hope and the future.

BIRDS & BEES: So this is why they call it a neck and neck race: Tom Brokaw reports that Bush and Kerry had sex.

HOLLYWOOD: Cantankerous canine kicked out of convention: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog forbidden at Fleet Center.

JOCKS: Hockey, soccer, sailing, cycling, kiteboarding, and windsurfing: John Kerry is the gnarly extreme sports dude.

TECHNOLOGY: News you never knew you were missing: Bloggers are the true stars of the Democratic Convention.

TUNES: Nookie nookie in November? Fred Durst weighs in on who he wants for president.

WEB SURF: Old school George: Will Ferrell shoots a campaign commercial in Crawford.

Apathy is the only thing guaranteed to change nothing. Have you registered to vote yet?

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Democrats Call For Unity

In America, the true patriots are those who dare speak truth to power. The truth we must speak now is that America has responsibilities that it is time for us to accept again." Teresa Heinz-Kerry

"Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America—there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America." Obama at the DNC 2004

On Tuesday night, the new kid on the block, Illinois State Senator Barack Obama, stole the show. With a compelling story of his parent's love and the unlikely rise of an African goatherder's son to serve in the US government, the audience was captivated and impelled to remember the American dream is alive and we are not as divided as the press would have us believe.

Today at the convention was a day of paying respects to those who have work tirelessly this year to raise the momentum behind the Democratic party. Howard Dean received a two minute standing ovation before he even started speaking, clearly included many grateful party members that did not originally campaign for him. Party leadership seemed a little surprised, but Dr. Dean is recognized at the grassroots as an dynamic speaker who brought the national dialogue and internet campaigning to a new level. The Dems are better off because the Dean campaign raised the bar. And they were on their feet tonight expressing their gratitude as he delivered his modified stump speech "I am voting for John Kerry and John Edwards because..." (formerly known as "I am running for president because...")

Wrapping up the evening on the podium, Teresa Heinz-Kerry spoke from the heart about her life, her second husband, and the vision he holds for America. " Addressing the audience in 5 languages, she calmly and eloquently shared her essence and passion for America.

Meanwhile, the delegates seem to be working very hard in committee hammering out the platform. Bloggers are having trouble getting credentials. The 527 non profits and PACs are taking heat from the press for schmoozing donors. Protesters are finding peace and space at the Boston Common while still managing to avoid the free speech zone (aka the cage). And the speakers, parties, trainings, and interviews are on a non-stop 24 hour roll in Boston.

BIRDS & BEES: Too young to vote: Democrats are delirious about attractive 17-year-old Ohio delegate.

HOLLYWOOD: Does Fox News know he is doing this? OC actor Benjamin McKenzie makes convention appearance.

JOCKS: Be like Mike: Star power of Illinois Senate candidate Barack Obama compared to Jordan.

TECHNOLOGY: Keeping Fleet geek chic: 4,000 miles of temporary cable has transformed Boston into a high-tech meca.

TUNES: Rock against re-election: Bruce Springsteen, REM and Pearl Jam will tour swing states in October.

WEB SURF: Move over Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda: Burn those calories with the John Kerry workout video.

Day One with the Dems: Staying On Message

Today the Democrats promoted sticking to a positive message with leaders and delegates alike trying to stay away from Bush-bashing. It was refreshing if not awkward at times to watch. Reporters seemed sometimes determined to bait speakers in front of the camera attempting to evoke an outburst. Democrats looked sorely pained at moments trying not to lash out at some of the questions.

In such a polarized partisan election year it must take a deep level of concentration to stay positive. Teresa Kerry told one reporter to "shove off" (better than go*cheney* yourself) and Ann Coulter was released from her contract to write for USA Today after submitting her first story covering the Dems and apparantly crossing the line of poor taste. Besides the parley between the reporters and those being reported on, the Democratic message was forward focused and positive.

A premiere evening line up of Democrat politico-stars set the tone of the convention and began to introduce John Kerry through the eyes of those who have served in the White House before. Jimmy Carter, Jesse Jackson, Al Gore, Senator Hillary Clinton, and her husband, Bill Clinton. In a series of speeches asking questions and focusing on the future, a united endorsement and endearment for the John/John ticket emerged. As a cohesive group, the message is clear: We are ready for change. Send John Kerry.

BIRDS & BEES: Bonding in Boston: Unconventional advice doing the nasty with Democratic delegates.

HOLLYWOOD: Probing journalism: Ben Affleck asks Alexandra Kerry about her see-through dress.

JOCKS: Diamond vision: Does recent Red Sox victory over Yankees fortell a return to the White House for Democrats?

TECHNOLOGY: Revenge of the reading machines: Democrats plagued by persistent teleprompter problems.

TUNES: Rap the vote: Wyclef Jean and Ying Yang Twins enlist urban audience in electoral process.

WEB SURF: Documenting the donations: Fundrace 2004 keeps tabs on who is giving how much to Kerry and Bush.

You have been saving yourself for that special man. Votervirgin can help make your first visit to the polls an experience you will remember forever.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Free Speech In Boston

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The US Constitution, First Amendment

Security is tight in Boston. With several high profile personalities ranging from Bill Clinton to Russel Simmons, there might just be as many personal bodyguards as partygoers. Homeland Security and local forces have teamed up and been working in advance of the convention for months. Surrounded by water on three sides, harbor patrol has been on high alert and will remain so for the next week. Parts of the freeway are closed. Even the manholes have been welded shut.

Most controversial though, is the "free speech zone" which is built under a freeway underpass, fenced in with chainlink and razorwire, and far too small to contain the number of protesters in town (capacity is 1000). Citing security concerns, city leaders in Boston (and NYC) argued the free speech zones were necessary, but activists are generally ignoring the zones and plan to gather on the streets in a much more "fluid" group. In the first permited march on Sunday, the 4000 strong anti war gathering officially declared the free speech zone irrelevant and unsafe.

BIRDS & BEES: Pairing politics and poll (err, pole) dancing: Strippers and prostitutes flocking to Beantown for bored conventioneers.

HOLLYWOOD: No more notorious: Margaret Cho talks about being uninvited to Gay, Lesbian & Transgender event in Boston.

JOCKS: Can Kerry conquer the curse of Bambino? Presidential nominee throws out the first pitch at Sunday Red Sox-Yankee game.

TECHNOLOGY: Crazy dot-com dollars: Bidding for KerryEdwards website now reaches $150,000.

TUNES: On the cutting edge with Jenna and Barb: Do the Bush twins really have indy rock cred?

WEB SURF: Red vs. blue: Site provides real-time updates on state-by-state struggle for electoral college supremacy.

Exercise your constitutional right to vote in 2004. Your founding fathers would be proud.

And You May Ask Yourself, How Did We Get Here?

We are going to dedicate this coming week's lead story to the Democratic Convention in Boston (similar coverage of the RNC to follow this August). With so much brouhaha already why are we going to cover this? Well, for one thing, we are not there (like most of you) and frankly we think it is important to stand outside "the bubble" and look in. It's actually pretty exciting when you look at the whole thing. Democracy is a lot of work, but it is also a phonomenal party.

In particular, this year a lot of people feel compelled to participate in this election at a new level. Delegates are nominated in the local precincts of 50 states and go through a process of state elections in order to get to vote at the national convention. About 4500 delegates are officially representing and will be schmoozed and lobbied to vote on a variety of issues that will eventually be adopted as the Democratic platform. Art Alexakis, the lead singer from Everclear (and a very passionate citizen with one heck of a political mind), is a delegate from his home state of Oregon. And while the age of delegates ranges from 18-82 years old, you can bet there will be a large dose of lively debate at Fleet Center. Several candidates such as Dennis Kucinich have a strong presence on the floor of the convention and expect to influence the 2004 Democratic platform. And of course, there will be numerous speeches throughout the process culminating in Kerry's acceptance speech on Thursday.

Ouside of the convention more than 50,000 others will gather in Boston: protesters, media, assorted groups. Not to mention the music, the parties, and more parties (even the press has its own party). All this is guaranteed to provide a week's worth of entertainment and more.

Democracy is a rough and tumble business, but it is our business, so I hope you enjoy the coverage of the people places and events surrounding the conventions.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Yes, Joe, We Agree

Political internet whizkid , Joe Trippi, is reporting for MSNBC at the Democratic Convention. Yesterday he was asked who he thought would win the 2004 election and he answered Howard Stern, blogs, and the VoterVirgins. With independent voters poised to storm this election like an electoral tsunami, we could not agree more.....

BIRDS & BEES: Russians battle workplace burnout with office sex.

HOLLYWOOD: Powered by Maui Wowie and White Castle Burgers, Harold and Kumar finally break through the white boy stoner glass pipe ceiling.

TECH: Virus Alert: Bin Laden did not commit suicide. This is a trojan horse virus attempting to lure you with a vague story about CNN reporters and a picture of OBL hanging himself.

TUNES: Chillin' like an Eskimo? Terrible Hands deliver hard hitting Alaska rap.

WEB SURF: Free music without the soda pop.

Are you flexing your electoral muscles yet? Pump up the vote and show us your hot results in the VoterVirgin gallery.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Fox Documentary Outflanks Traditional Media

The new documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism exposes the laughable standards of truth at the news network that has given voice to blowhards such as Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter. But, the film's decision to bypass traditional models of distribution is an equally important aspect of its success, demonstrating that a large audience can be reached via a direct-to-consumer approach as opposed to relying on corporate-controlled cinema outlets. More than 50,000 copies of the Outfoxed have now been sold on the Internet, shooting this movie to the top of the charts on Amazon. Also, thousands of Americans saw the picture via special house parties organized by last weekend. Comments producer and director Robert Greenwald, ""Theatrical release is the least important part to this film."

BIRDS & BEES: The world's breast fighting force: Today's US Army is silicon friendly.

HOLLYWOOD: Driving David Hasselhof: Souped-up car from Knight Rider TV show being sold via E-Bay.

JOCKS: Cycling fans spit on Lance Armstrong: Time for Bill O'Reilly to organize another French boycott.

TECHNOLOGY: Golden and delicious: If you are a soldier who wants a hot meal but doesn't have a stove, then you're in luck!

TUNES: Journey with journey: Annoying bands from the 80s will have captive audience on upcoming cruise.

WEB SURF: Rock it, captain: Cover version of Pulp's "Common People" beams William Shatner into new career as a musician.

When you snooze, we all lose. Don't sleep through the November election: register today at Votervirgin.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

9/11 Report Released Today

Thousands of pages, missed opportunities, and suggestions to improve US security are included in the two year long investigation into 9/11. Alleged to be scathing and detailed in its criticism, even the most die hard 9/11 observer may be shocked by some of the findings. For instance, the story of Niaz Khan who walked into the New York FBI office in April 2000, passed three polygraph tests, and insisted he had been trained to fly a commercial jet into US buildings by AlQueda, yet was not believed. Hindsight may be 20/20, but this report could be considered glaring.

BIRDS & BEES: Little old ladies expecting to invest exposed to porn instead.

HOLLYWOOD: Angel or no angel, this pre-fame Diaz video is be-deviling Cameron.

TECH: New itty bitty phones go in one ear, but not out the other.

TUNES: Redeem the Vote vs. Rock the Vote. Forget who's going to hell. Who is going to the polls?

JOCKS: Fans spitting mad at Tour DeFrance.

WEB SURF: Think you're busy? Squeeze in a little j-walk for some perspective.

The world changed on 9/11, but did you? Register to vote.

Economic Recovery Mainly Focused on Ultra Rich

While the White House continues to tout figures that indicate an economic recovery, most of the benefits from this rebound are focused on those at the high end of the income scale. But even the Wall Street Journal, a beacon of traditional conservative thought, is now questioning the validity of the trickle down effect. As noted in a story in yesterday's edition: "Upper-income families, who pay the most in taxes and reaped the largest gains from the tax cuts President Bush championed, drove a surge of consumer spending a year ago that helped to rev up the recovery . . .Lower- and middle-income households have benefited from some of these trends, but not nearly as much. For them, paychecks and day-to-day living expenses have a much bigger effect. Many have been squeezed, with wages under pressure and with gasoline and food prices higher. The resulting two-tier recovery is showing up in vivid detail in the way Americans are spending money."

BIRDS & BEES: Hung jury: Who is Britain's biggest star, Colin Farrell or Ewan McGregor?

HOLLYWOOD: All publicity is good publicity: Nicole Riche's nipple ring triggers security scare at Reno airport.

JOCKS: Taking a stand by sitting down: Star baseball player to protest singing of "God Bless America."

TECHNOLOGY: How is your twenty twenty vision?: Try to stump the computer in this traditional guessing game.

TUNES: School of rock: All incoming Duke University freshman to receive free I-pod.

WEB SURF: Come to think of it, Rush Limbaugh does look a little bit like Paul Lynde: Right Wing Squares is sweeping the nation.

When you register to vote, you feel satisfied and the world becomes your oyster. Enjoy the warm feelings by clicking to Votervirgin today.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Iraqi Prime Minister Accused of Murder

From award winning Australian journalist, Paul McGeough, comes a substantiated eyewitness account that the new Iraqi Prime Minister shot 6 handcuffed prisoners in cold blood just days after coming to power. Corraborated by separate sources, the story seems to be legitimate. While news of Allawi's alleged action circulates widely in the foreign press, American news agencies are being accused of suppressing the story.

BIRDS & BEES Texas obscenity charges dropped. Thanks to public outcry the party will go on!

HOLLYWOOD Sharon Stone proves older chicks RULE.

JOCKS Old(er) chicks rule part 2 on this year's US Olympic team.

TECHNOLOGY Bubbles in the sky of the future? Dude, who is The Prisoner now?

TUNES One more American musician censored for encouraging people to see Fahrenheit 9/11. Or maybe it was for dedicating "Desperado" to the President. Sir Elton John chimes in and slams unfair "bully tactics" of those who would silence the voice of dissent.

WEB SURF: Viking kittens with captions and guess where they are going.

Interested in a little May/November action? Ask someone out of your "age range" if you can help them register to vote and be sure to discuss the issues that make you hot about this election. Who knows what you will stir up?

New P2P Network Targets Government Secrets

Tired of downloading songs, movies or pornography from your favorite file-sharing network? If so, turn to the, where you can access more than 600 semi-classified government, such as memos about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and the Halliburton's no-bid contract for rebuilding Iraq. The site was started two weeks ago by Thad Anderson, a second year law student at St. John's University who has grown increasingly frustrated at the amount of scandalous information our leaders are trying to withhold from the public: ""I really think this is a crucial point, during my lifetime, for people to really look at what's going on with the government and make it be more accountable for what it's doing. The president and vice president have used executive privilege to withhold documents that almost every president for the last 30 or 40 years has released

BIRDS & BEES: Head games: High-tech solutions pulling more circumcised men to foreskin restoration.

HOLLYWOOD: Scary movie: Critics question the alleged link between pirated DVDs and terrorists.

JOCKS: Amorous Athens: Athletes are looking for a lot more than just medals at the Olympics.

TECHNOLOGY: Who wants realism in video games? Gigantic boobs cause Kirsten Dunst to reject her Spider-Man 2 character.

TUNES: An all-out Apple attack: Re-designed iPod is $100 less expensive and has longer battery life.

WEB SURF: Geek rawk: They Might Be Giants teams with Homestar Runner for new experimental video.

Voting is great and voting is groovy. Register at Votervirgin before time runs out on your opportunity to change the world.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

US Withholding Data On Iraq Contracts

Since March, the US has refused to release information to the IAMB (International Advisory and Monitoring Board) about no bid contracts awarded for rebuilding Iraq. The IAMB was created to oversee the handling of Iraqi oil revenues and has been conducting an independent audit on earnings and spending. They have discovered lax handling of contract payments and issues such as the fact that there is no meter on pipelines to measure the amount of Iraqi oil being exported. US authorities have so far refused to release copies of Halliburton contracts and others making it nearly impossible to confirm whether tax payer money was spent appropriately or not. Halliburton has already been in trouble for overcharging more than $65 million dollars in no bid contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
BIRDS & BEES: Is it really a Passion Party if you keep your clothes on?

HOLLYWOOD: God is high on Emmy nomination list.

TECHNOLOGY: Steven Hawking blast holes in his own black hole theory.

TUNES:Ooops! What is it about superstars, balconies, and lewd behavior?

WEB SURF: Aaahhhh. Stress relief without the noise.

Friends don't let friends be uninformed voters. Be sure they are prepared to practice safe voting in November and encourage them to enroll in the premiere VoterVirgin Class of '04.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Repubs Not Ready to Cut the Ball and Cheney

Rumors persist that Dick Cheney will be dropped from the Republican ticket due to his ongoing heart problems. This gossip is fueled in part because the Vice President's personal doctor recently resigned (according to a story in the New Yorker, this MD was relieved of his duties because of a substance problem). For his part, Cheney strongly denies the rumor that he will not be part of the re-election effort. In a television interview to be broadcast Sunday, he says that President Bush "has made [it] very clear he doesn't want to break up the team . . I suppose right now, because we're in the run-up to the convention, people don't have much to talk about so you get speculation on that. It's normal. When we get to the convention, I think that'll put an end to that."

BIRDS & BEES: Getting people excited about politics: Hackers post porn on official website for South Korean government.

HOLLYWOOD: Mob scene: "Ocean's Twelve" producer denies gossip that movie has been blackmailed by mafia.

JOCKS: Swell films to follow this summer: "Riding Giants" chronicles challenges of big wave surfing.

TECHNOLOGY: Teacher, teacher, teach me love: Entrepreneur opens learning academy for adult-content webmasters.

TUNES: Family-style entertainment! Aguilera's mom apparently approves of Christina's raunchy antics.

WEB SURF: Hilary at the helm: Annoy your friends with a personalized cell phone message from teen idol.

Our undersized spokesman Tattoo knows what it is all about: 'De vote, De vote.' Be a part of Fantasy Island by registering today on VoterVirgin.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Bush Implements Roadless Rules

Governors will now have to petition the federal Agriculture Department if they want to protect wilderness areas from logging. With a former timber industry lobbyist now holding the position of approving these petitions, commercial enterprises expect they will be accomodated on the 58 million acres of road free forest that exist today. The White House calls the new measure a common sense approach, environmentalists, conservation groups, and hunting organizations call it something else. Whatever you call it, we taxpayers are now subsidizing inroads for logging companies.

BIRDS & BEES: Talk about bad habits. 100 claim to have been abused by nuns.

HOLLYWOOD: Slim Fast axes Whoopi Goldberg for making fun of Bush. Who knew dieting was conservative?

TECHNOLOGY: You-Robot coming to the real world near you in the not so distant future.

TUNES: Lost roadie's suitcase found full of Beatles after almost 30 years.

WEB SURF: Have you sent your rubberchicken today?

Use some humor of your own to promote voting. Turn your friends on and smile all the way to the polls

Jerry Springer and the Cult of Celebrity Politicians

Arnold Schwarzenegger's success as governor of California seems to be heralding a new area of American politics -- the era of the candidate as celebrity, a person who wins votes solely because of the power of his or her name (as opposed to his policies). For instance, former Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka seems to be the odds-on GOP choice for the US Senate in Illinois. Meanwhile, the Democrats want to get in on the action as well, as it appears Jerry Springer may run for governor of Ohio in 2005. At a Kerry / Edwards fundraiser in the Buckeye State. Springer commented, "Whatever you think about my show, which clearly is the stupidest show in the history of television, my show didn't shut down one factory; it didn't close one school; it didn't under fund one person's health insurance. The problems that affect people's lives have nothing to do with television."

Post Script: Former NFL player and coach Mike Ditka has elected NOT to run for Senator.

BIRDS & BEES: Copulating for a cause: Exhibitionist couple enjoys on-stage sex in an effort to help preserve the rain forest.

HOLLYWOOD: All Simon, all the time: Fox set to launch channel devoted exclusively to reality shows.

JOCKS: Just don't call them chicken: NASCAR rejects controversial PETA ad attacking fast-food chain.

TECHNOLOGY: Yes, Nigerian spammers are really stupid: Prince Joe Eboh falls for sophomoric Internet prank.

TUNES: All Eminem, all the time: Obnoxious rap star set to launch his own radio station via Sirius.

WEB SURF: Would this song get played on the White House jukebox?: Keep your Jesus off my penis.

Today is Bastille Day. Honor democracy in France by registering to vote for the upcoming US general election.

Monday, July 12, 2004

No Still Means No

Bush declined invitations to speak at the NAACP (and LULAC) conventions this year at first citing schedule conflicts, but later revealing he would not appear because, "You've heard the names and rhetoric they've called me." Indeed harsh words have been said from NAACP leadership about Bush's policies. However, Bush is the first US President in 70 years to snub the invitation to speak before the convention and a lot of leaders have taken heat from the 500,000 member civil rights group. Publicly invited one last time today to speak, Bush promptly refused again. "If the president has a new mandate that says he will only meet with people that agree with him, then God save our nation," Kweisi Mfume, President of the NAACP said.

BIRDS & BEES: Thongs not good for dongs?

HOLLYWOOD: Michael Moore takes UK by storm smashing box office records.

JOCKS: Historically large blackout in Athens worries Olymoic promoters. Isn't that what the torch is for?

TUNES: Judakiss censored for asking "why?"

TECHNOLOGY: Tennessee will verify voters (not votes) with new PDAs.

WEB SURF: An oldie but a goodie duet via those wacky jibjab sillies.

Have you personally invited a friend to register and vote in 2004? Don't take no for an answer.

Don't Let Technology Tamper With Your Vote

With more and more states are moving to automated electronic voting, there is growing concern about the dangers of widespread fraud in these new systems. Hence Tuesday, July 13 is the "Computer Ate My Vote" day of action, a nationwide rally to raise concern about potential problems. Show your support for a fair electoral process by displaying the "Computer Ate My Vote" logo on your website.

BIRDS & BEES: Why just cycle when you can ride? Pennsylvania man invents sexercise machine.

HOLLYWOOD: Oh really? The new documentary Outfoxed examines what happens when large corporations control public's need to know.

JOCKS: Who is Ken Jennings? Unbeatable "Jeopardy" contestant goes for 29th straight win on Monday night.

TECHNOLOGY: Almost as fun as surfing porn: NBC website will offer live video footage of Athens Olympics.

TUNES: Dirty deeds done dirt cheap: Plastic bag of mud from Glastonbury Festival sold on eBay.

WEB SURF: Love to love you baby: Some strong feelings are brewing in the Kerry - Edwards camp.

What better way to escape the dog days of summer than registering to vote? Click on VoterVirgin and we'll show you how.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Bush's Military Records Disappear

Turns out rumors about Bush's military service will never be proven nor disproven. The President's military payroll records were destroyed along with others during a microfilm conversion. Guess this debunks the myth that your permanent record can be held against you.

BIRDS & BEES: This just in: sex protects you from the devil but it won't keep you out of jail.

HOLLYWOOD: Gwyneth alternative lifestyle leaves crop circle-like marks on her back shocking New York party goers. Turns out she might have had one cup too many.

JOCKS: Shooting for win number six proves a slippery slope for Armstrong today.

TECHNOLOGY: Upcoming party conventions are issuing credentials and selecting bloggers, begging the question, "since when do bloggers have to be invited?"

TUNES: George Michael says peace and love or nothing at all. Fans say, "what about fat and old?"

WEB SURF: Who doesn't love Karl Rove?

Seeking: New Love. Must be passionate (yet responsible), opinionated, intelligent, and dedicated to a better world. Must vote.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Government Reminds US To Be Afraid

Tom Ridge, Director of Homeland Security, reminded America that there is still credible evidence AlQaeda wants to attack America even if there is no specific information on when and where. Citing the lack of specific evidence, local police forces beefed up security based on allegations that AlQaeda wants to disrupt the national election in November. Rumor has it that Osama himself is coordinating the latest terrorist plot. Homeland Security is now looking at ways to secure America's polling places this fall (unfortunately, none of the measures being considered includes a verifiable paper trail for voters on electronic machines). Security alerts cautioned police to be on the look out for overdressed people, and anyone that looks "too relaxed".

BIRDS & BEES: Down under sperm drought prompts free vacations.

HOLLYWOOD: Finally, new full length Ferrell for our viewing pleasure.

JOCKS: On your mark, get set, go to the Olympics. Athletes struggle to jump high without being accused of getting high.

TUNES: Lollapallooza, schmallapalooza, who needs a festival to go on tour? Certainly not Modest Mouse .

TECHNOLOGY: I hear dead people. Talking tombstones may be the wave of the future.

WEB SURF: Warning: Sexually Explicit Voter Mobilization Content. F%^* the Vote shows just how serious this election can be.

It doesn't matter whether you are punk-ing, hiphop-ing, rock-ing or jam-ing, if this is your first national election, you are a VoterVirgin. Have you registered for the VoterVirgin Class of '04 yet?

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Sex Scandal Bankrupts Portland Catholic Diocese

Depending on how you count it, the Catholic diocese of Portland, Oregon may have either $50 million in assets or half a billion. Either way, they filed for bankruptcy when asked to pay $25 million dollars to settle a sexual abuse case. A first ever, US courts will now decide what this means as parishioners are left to wonder what will happen to Sunday collections.

BIRDS & BEES: Professor Willie says teens with mobile phones have more sex.

HOLLYWOOD: Harry Potter succumbs to Chinese pirates

JOCKS: Can old sports learning new tricks? If the Tour De France has a blog it must be so.

TUNES: Kerry leaning towards Bruce Springsteen to pump up live crowds.

TECHNOLOGY: Can't we all just log on? LA police come down hard on gamers at cybercafes.

WEB SURF: Saddam plays age old game but who wins?

Does your best friend vote? The number one motivator for new voters is the "personal ask", so be sure to personally ask your buddies and get them to give up their VoterVirgin-ity in November

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

One Leader Decides, Another Decides Not To Decide (maybe)

John Kerry announced that Senator John Edwards will run as his vice president stirring up a flurry of people scrambling to name the John duo. Do you call them Johni? Is it a pas deux John? The Dudes-J? J2? Meanwhile, President Bush commented that he may not nominate a new CIA director until after the election. The current CIA director, George Tenet, will step down this Sunday amid criticism for failed intelligence.

BIRDS & BEES: Is it still sex education if you don't mention condoms? What about Leave No Child Behind?

HOLLYWOOD: Spiderman webslings Michael Moore's butt over the weekend, Michael in turn supports piracy.

TECHNOLOGY: Better than picnic ants, order your robotic fireflies before they are all gone

TUNES: Aussie music festival shuts down art-sex in a tent, but allows couple to screw on stage.

WEB SURF: Did it come from under the sea? No, just another cool tribute to Ray Harryhausen.

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Upcoming Bush Ad to Feature John McCain

Although he has been a frequent critic of the current administration, Arizona senator John McCain is now filming a TV commercial supporting the re-election of President Bush. McCain ran against Bush in 2000 and was the target of a vicious s smear campaign in South Carolina orchestrated by Karl Rove. More recently, it was rumored that McCain would be John Kerry's unconventional choice for Vice-President. Now that VP honors have gone to North Carolina senator John Edwards, McCain seems to be back in the Republican fold. Politics always makes for strange bedfellows.

BIRDS & BEES: Your Better Boobness Bureau at work: Dutch legislators considering seal of approval for legitimate brothels.

HOLLYWOOD: Our litigious society at work: BBC confirms that Daleks will be missing from the new Dr. Who series.

JOCKS: Did you say that you wanted an adrenalin rush? Running of the Bulls starts tomorrow morning in San Fermin, Spain.

TECHNOLOGY: A fish that tastes like a steak is the next breakthrough: Chiquita to introduce strawberry flavored bananas.

TUNES: That's why the name of his band rhymes with porn: Jonathan Davis to enter the world of adult filmmaking.

WEB SURF: Rock lobster: A very strange song about very strange things from the sea that stick to magnets.

You can't complain if you don't vote. And, you can't vote if you don't register. Click to VoterVirgin and we'll set you up with a license to bitch..

Monday, July 05, 2004

Patriot Act Now Opposed by Over 300 Communities

Who are the true heros on this Independence Day weekend? Look no farther than the 330 communities around the United States that have followed their conscience, passing resolutions opposing the draconian USA Patriot Act. These resolutions draw attention to the folly of a law that restricts the hard-fought freedoms ensured by the founders of our democracy. As noted by John Torma, a former city councilman from Missoula (Montana), "The ability for the government to—within the law—violate constitutionally protected freedoms, whether or not the government is actually doing it, is frightening, because you just don’t know who’s going to use it when. That’s what the framers of both our state and federal constitutions fought vigorously against, and if we don’t fight to keep that, we’re going to lose it."

BIRDS & BEES: Can't God see through our clothes anyway? Nepalese women work fields in the nude to generate rain.

HOLLYWOOD: Then Spiderman intervened and everything was fine: James Caviezel pressed to perform miracles in Mexico.

JOCKS: Insert random oral sex joke here: Diminutive Japanese man devours 53 hot dogs in 12 minutes.

TECHNOLOGY: Courting the Geek vote: Kerry campaign opts for open source software, while Bush website uses Microsoft.

TUNES: Baby got back: Macy Gray promises to perform au natural to benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

WEB SURF: Things that elevate when warmed, quickly explode and inspire you to say "ah": Didn't you get enough fireworks last night?

All your friends have registered to vote. Have you? Let VoterVirgin show you how to sign-up pain free.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Bush's Outreach to Churches Angers Baptists

"I'm appalled that the Bush-Cheney campaign would intrude on a local congregation in this way," says Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission regarding campaign-oriented material that the president has sent to numerous churches across the country. Land's comments are particularly stinging, given that the President has enjoyed traditionally enjoyed widespread support from this group. The controversial promotional tactic has also drawn fire from the Reverend Welton Gaddy of the Washington-based advocacy group known as Interfaith Alliance: "We are alarmed that this initiative by the Bush-Cheney campaign could lure religious organizations and religious leaders into dangerous territory where they risk losing their tax-exempt status and could be violating the law,"

BIRDS & BEES: This is why Devo loves Mongoloids: Scientist speculates that Genghis Khan was the most successful alpha male ever.

HOLLYWOOD: No word if Spock is doing backup vocals: William Shatner to record cover of Pulp song with 80s crooner Joe Jackson.

JOCKS: Axis of evil at play: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il shoots 38 under par in his first attempt at golf.

TECHNOLOGY: Wasn't there a Spy vs. Spy episode about this? US military paranoid about high-tech Coca-Cola cans.

TUNES: Yes, some would even call her spacy: Laurie Anderson tapped to become NASA's artist-in-residence.

WEB SURF: World unity: The Stop Bush Project chronicles global protest against the current administration.

Be a true patriot this 4th of July: register to vote! Click here and let VoterVirgin tell you all the exciting details.

Friday, July 02, 2004

The Revolution Will Not be Televised

The major television networks have some sobering news for political junkies: live coverage of the upcoming 2004 Republican and Democratic Conventions will be greatly reduced as compared to previous years. Dan Ritchie, an associate Senate historian, comments that this reduction reflects the prevailing, bottom-line attitudes at the nation's largest media outlets: “The major networks … make more money when they have comedies and ‘Law and Order’ on than when they have politics on. That’s the sad part of it.” As for the networks, they contend that the streamlined schedule is a logical response to viewers' disinterest in the all-hype, no-substance nature of these political events. The Democratic Convention occurs July 26-29 in Boston, while the Republicans hold their gathering August 30-September 2 in New York City.

BIRDS & BEES: No Bush references at parody porn site: Trademark office rules must come clean with political references.

HOLLYWOOD: Moore competition: Disney puts its brains and brawn behind the feel-good "America's Heart and Soul."

JOCKS: Dude, that bitchin' truck of yours has some giant balls: The prefect way to personalize your pickup.

TECHNOLOGY: Guys love computers and guys love phone sex: Ask the Tech Girl combines best of both worlds.

TUNES: But can he play chopsticks also? Talented male stripper pioneers a new approach to the piano.

WEB SURF: Aim hard before you swing that thing: Waste loads of time with this miniature golf game.

The November 2 General Election is exactly four months away! Come on, don't be a dolt. Register to vote today so you can be part of the action.