Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Jerry Springer and the Cult of Celebrity Politicians

Arnold Schwarzenegger's success as governor of California seems to be heralding a new area of American politics -- the era of the candidate as celebrity, a person who wins votes solely because of the power of his or her name (as opposed to his policies). For instance, former Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka seems to be the odds-on GOP choice for the US Senate in Illinois. Meanwhile, the Democrats want to get in on the action as well, as it appears Jerry Springer may run for governor of Ohio in 2005. At a Kerry / Edwards fundraiser in the Buckeye State. Springer commented, "Whatever you think about my show, which clearly is the stupidest show in the history of television, my show didn't shut down one factory; it didn't close one school; it didn't under fund one person's health insurance. The problems that affect people's lives have nothing to do with television."

Post Script: Former NFL player and coach Mike Ditka has elected NOT to run for Senator.

BIRDS & BEES: Copulating for a cause: Exhibitionist couple enjoys on-stage sex in an effort to help preserve the rain forest.

HOLLYWOOD: All Simon, all the time: Fox set to launch channel devoted exclusively to reality shows.

JOCKS: Just don't call them chicken: NASCAR rejects controversial PETA ad attacking fast-food chain.

TECHNOLOGY: Yes, Nigerian spammers are really stupid: Prince Joe Eboh falls for sophomoric Internet prank.

TUNES: All Eminem, all the time: Obnoxious rap star set to launch his own radio station via Sirius.

WEB SURF: Would this song get played on the White House jukebox?: Keep your Jesus off my penis.

Today is Bastille Day. Honor democracy in France by registering to vote for the upcoming US general election.