Thursday, September 30, 2004

Debate #1: The Differences Are Clear

If you missed tonight's debate you can view it in full here (90 minutes) or read the transcript if you prefer. Some would say that Kerry scored a lot of points in tonights debate. Others are calling it a draw. General opinion in the mainstream coverage has the two candidates "exchanging blows" with everyone noting how very different the two men's plans are when it comes to foreign policy. Saying that he would keep an eye on the ball, Kerry called the war in Iraq a diversion from the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. John Kerry stressed that he has a plan to win the peace which includes rebuilding global trust and respect with our allies, ending nuclear proliferation, and empowering Iraq to stand on its own feet ASAP. Bush reiterated his plan to "stay the course" in Iraq repeatedly stating that it was a tough job. Polls conducted directly after the debate showed Kerry winning in the eyes of the voters who tuned in. A CNN/Gallup poll had 53 percent of those surveyed declaring Kerry the victor to 37 percent for Bush; a CBS poll had the margin at 44-26; and ABC had it 45-36 for Kerry. Whatever the final results I am sure they will be debated in the weeks to come.

BIRDS & BEES: Real men pull trucks: Jiu Jiu Shen Gong takes puppetry of the penis to the extreme.

HOLLYWOOD: The Stupor Bowl: Al Franken wants Bill O'Reilly to play kingpin on October 7.

JOCKS: Fast, but not easy: Sprint times for female athletes may soon surpass those of men.

TECHNOLOGY: Deadly downloads: Microsoft security flaw enables vicious virus to spread via jpeg porn.

TUNES: Video killed the video star: MTV producing more music videos based on video games.

WEB SURF: No, he does not flip and he does not flop: The John Kerry workout craze is sweeping America.

Debating whether or not to vote? Don't be silly! Of course you want to cast a ballot! Deadlines to register coming up as early as this Saturday.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Epidemic Distrust Leads to Voting

A new Reuters poll says 61% of Americans have lost trust in government and institutions over the last four years. At the same time record numbers of voters (of all ages) are registering to participate in the 2004 national election. Is it possible that this epidemic of distrust is creating inspired citizens? Here at VoterVirgin, we would rather think voters are inspired by a smile, but whatever gets you to the polls is alright too.

BIRDS & BEES: Burning love: Boy sets fire to news stand after shopkeeper prevents him from purchasing porn.

HOLLYWOOD: Diamond vision: Farrelly Brothers set to film new baseball movie at Boston's Fenway Park.

JOCKS: Thirsty for athletic glory? Everything you ever wanted to know about running the in the Beer Mile.

TECHNOLOGY: Finally, a worthy alternative to the lunacy of both Kerry and Bush: Vote for the Robotic Party.

TUNES: I-plane promotion: Business class customers given free I-Pod Mini when traveling Air France before November 15.

WEB SURF: Spam soliloquy: Those pleas for financial assistance seem so more more believable when you see them on video.

Voter registration deadlines are approaching quickly. Are you sure you're registered? Google the (name of your county)+ elections to find your local site and you can check on line to be sure your application got processed.

Dude, It's A Debate

This week in Miami, in the midst of a hurricane battered state, two candidates will meet face to face. It took a 32 page memorandum of understanding for the Bush and Kerry teams to agree to sit on identical stools (among other things) at Thursday's Presidential Debate. In a get out the tape measure kind of a deal these two candidates will stand exactly 10 feet apart. The debate teams tried to prohibit certain camera angles, but the press says it won't be prohibited in their journalistic freedom. Kerry is a seasoned debater, and Bush has a powerful, simple message, so what can we expect? Take a word of wisdom from former Texas Governor Ann Richards, "never underestimate Bush". The debate airs at 8PM EST with millions expected to tune in. There are two more Bush/Kerry debates and one Cheney/Edwards to come.

BIRDS & BEES: Blogger boobie-thon returns: Online world shows its support for curing breast cancer.

HOLLYWOOD: Woody Allen sounds off on the election: "I don't find politics profound enough to deal with it as an artist."

JOCKS: Build it and they will come: Chinese translation of New England Patriots' website is now available.

TECHNOLOGY: Your voice counts: Al Gore's new cable TV network looking for "a new generation of media-savvy creators."

TUNES: "Sitting on the sidelines would be a betrayal": Bruce Springsteen explains why he decided to speak out.

WEB SURF: Old Blues Eyes is at it again: Frank Sinatra knows what worries today's airline travelers.

Debating the issues? Wanna see a few grown men hash out their plans for the future of our country? Get a handful of friends together, make some popcorn and check out the debates Thursday night. A big part of safe voting practices is knowing who you give your vote to.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Smiling Makes You Smarter

While some people moan and roll their eyes when they hear a lot of us get our news from Jon Stewart's Daily Show, there is good news for viewers and fans: you are more likely to know your business if you are a regular viewer. That's right, great political comedy makes you more savvy on the issues. More fair and balanced than any other late night show host, Stewart has made few direct jokes about the candidates(11%) steering away from personal jabs and focusing on the absurdity of the issues. On top of getting "edumacated" it turns out that laughter makes you more healthy as well. So, tune in and turn on (to the issues and a good guffaw). Everybody could use a reason to smile about the election.

BIRDS & BEES: Hard core Kerry supporters: Porn for Progress combines adult entertainment and progressive politics.

HOLLYWOOD: Global warning: Robert Redford says the White House is "intentionally blind" to the needs of the environment.

JOCKS: Are we playing tackle or two below? Abercrombie & Fitch satisfies all your football fantasies.

TECHNOLOGY: Maiden voyage: Richard Branson announces that Virgin Galactic hopes to start space travel in the next two years.

TUNES: Is he the one who is a little bit country or rock 'n roll? Donnie Osmond scores Top 10 hit in the UK.

WEB SURF: The price of deception: LIke the bumper sticker says, no one died when Clinton lied.

Want to share a smile? Spread the Love with your own personalized e-message campaign!

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Fox Intimidating Arizona Voters?

With the support of their fellow get out the vote groups, Juliana Zuccaro and Kelly Kraus will continue to register voters at the University Arizona despite getting flamed by the local Fox affiliate. Fox reporter, Natalie Tejeda, grilled student activists and accused them of encouraging student to commit a felony crime if they registered to vote. Claiming that students are temporary residents, and ineligible to vote in Arizona, Tejeda edited and twisted the words of the coutry registrar's office and has yet to run a correction on the issue. NEWS FLASH: THE SUPREME COURT RULED THAT COLLEGE STUDENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE TO VOTE IN THEIR SCHOOL PRECINT OR AT HOME. The good news is that Juliana and Kelly know their rights (and yours) and will continue to Still Get Her Vote Out in Tuscon.

BIRDS & BEES: One way to market your wares: Art Lovers Strip For Discount

HOLLYWOOD: Married With Wolves? Kevin Costner weds Cat Bag Couture designer in Aspen shindig.

JOCKS: Colt / Packers showdown a flurry of pigskin flying through the sky.

TECH: First chocolate, now this? The Swiss master voting via the internet.

TUNES: Find out how it feels to be a rolling stone, read Bob Dylan's new autobiography (Volume 1).

WEB SURF: Visualize the world around you, scientifically speaking.

New on the VoterVirgin "Everything You Need To Know To Practice Safe Voting Blog": How to avoid being denied when you are trying to inspire those last minute voter hold outs to register.....

Saturday, September 25, 2004

FYI: No WMDs Down Under Either, Mate

John Howard, Prime Minister in Australia, is coming under fire now for documents that warned him there were no weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq. Quite blatantly it seems, he ignored the intelligence report and commited troops to the US war in Iraq. In Britian, Tony Blair is being called an international failure for ignoring serious concerns form intellignece about the existence of those elusive WMDs. World leaders including Bush ar on the hot seat for inspector's reports that there are NO WMDs in Iraq at all (though Saddam would have liked to have them). With all the heat down under, will there be fall out across the pond?

BIRDS & BEES: Phoney phone sound? Special Japanese ring tone allegedly increases listener's breast size.

HOLLYWOOD: "Sex and the City" meets "The L-Word": Cynthia Nixon says she has nothing to hide about her same-sex love life.

JOCKS: Football filming frenzy: Los Angeles movie producers bidding to buy historic British soccer team.

TECHNOLOGY: Long distance love: Teledildonics allows high-tech couples to remain close through their computers.

TUNES: Irish eyes are not smiling: Sinead O'Connor buys full-page newspaper ad asking mercy from hecklers.

WEB SURF: Coast to coast: Time-lapse photography allows you to experience drive from Los Angeles to New York.

Nervous about your first time? Know your rights at the polls and avoid an unwanted VRE (voter rejection experience).

Thursday, September 23, 2004

No Draft Under Kerry

Asked by a West Virginia mother whether the draft would be revived, John Edwards received a standing ovation when he replied, "There will be no draft when John Kerry is President." While experts agree a volunteer army is your best option in times of war, the Pentagon has come under fire for policies such as "stop loss" where soldiers are retained to serve past their expected release. Recalling nearly 6000 Individual Ready Reserves illustrates the shortage of "boots on the ground" and with Bush promising to "stay the course" fresh troops will be needed so a draft is being considered in Washington. In a clear message, Edwards went on to say, "We will never send American men and women into battle without first having a plan to win the peace and without the training and the equipment they need, including armored vehicles and including body armor. We have one candidate for president who has fought in a war. The truth of the matter is John Kerry takes this very, very personally."

BIRDS & BEES: Twisted values: City of San Francisco says that nude yoga in public is perfectly acceptable.

HOLLYWOOD: Creepy and crawly: Johnny Rotten to host Discovery Channel program on insects.

JOCKS: Game on! G4TechTV to stage complete virtual season in place of locked out National Hockey League.

TECHNOLOGY: The rejection line: Phone service that allows women to ditch unwanted men averages 20 calls per minute.

TUNES: Born to ruin: Conservative Springsteen fans hijack classic album cover for upcoming Vote for Change concerts.

WEB SURF: Postal service parody: "USPS does not acknowledge the authority of the Bush Administration."

Make this election a family affair! Is your mother registered to vote? How about that procrastinating cousin of yours? Could your passion possibly be the inspiration they are waiting for? Is someone you know a disenfrachised voter that needs their VoterVirgin-ity reistated? It never hurts to ask!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Other Cost of War

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), sometimes called "shell shock", is a well documented and researched disorder with profound effects on war veterans. During Gulf War I an estimated 9% of veterans suffered from PTSD, but conservative estimates for the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts say up to 17% of our soldiers are returning with symptoms that make their lives unmanagable. Fort Bragg experienced four murder/suicide incidents involving returning soldiers this summer alone, so the US military has promised to screen and counsel more thoroughly. However, veterans are now reporting that mental health screening and support is shaky at best. Overwhelmed by feelings of sudden rage, the inability to sleep or eat, withdrawal from society, and haunting visions, our returning troops are sometimes denied the support they seek or told to "suck it up" in the get tough military environment. If you or anyone you know in the military is possibly suffering from PTSD, please call Military One Source, a 24 hour hotline set up to assist with this issue. From US:800-342-9647, or International toll free: 800-3429-6477 or International collect: 484-530-5947

BIRDS & BEES: Military gets tough on tricks: Overseas troops may face court-martial for visiting prostitutes.

HOLLYWOOD: Like a virgin? Christina Aguilera to host MTV special on importance of sexual abstinence.

JOCKS: Band-aide: Lance Armstrong Foundation has now sold 12 million yellow "Live Strong" wristbands.

TECHNOLOGY: Long may you run: 40 watt light bulb in Fort Worth has burned for 96 straight years.

TUNES: He hangs tight: Darkness singer Justin Hawkins says he wears his trousers commando style.

WEB SURF: Word crazy: Do you know how to get 311 points out of one turn at the Scrabble board?

Don't want to find yourself suffering from post election stress disorder on November 3rd? Register to vote and practice safe voting! It's the only 100% sure way to avoid an unwanted VRE (Voter Rejection Experience).

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Government Blocks Overseas Voters: Backdoor Open If Needed

In the ultimate filter faux pax, the US government now admits that several servers have been banned from accessing the web site that was built to assist overseas voters. Claiming web attacks on government sites made it necessary to ban access to all sites ending in .mil or gov. they have blocked 25 major servers from letting users log on. The Federal Voting Assistance Program has blocked (among others) major ISPs in France and Spain, two countries with very large ex-pat communities. Complaints are piling up as frustrated voters find they can't download the necessary forms. So, the Democrats have built a site with no filters where anyone can access the means to cast an absentee overseas ballot in less than 5 minutes, Sacre bleu! Better hurry through that back door now! Deadlines are approaching quickly!

BIRDS & BEES: Got milk? New study seeks to solve why domestic cows display lesbian behavior.

HOLLYWOOD: The usual suspects: Kevin Spacey gets tough on people who bring mobile phones to theaters.

JOCKS: Who needs porn? Report says workplace loses $36.7 million per day on time wasted to fantasy sports leagues.

TECHNOLOGY: Watching the will call window: What happens when you put a free phone booth at Burning Man?

TUNES: Yes, that Rodney King: Man whose police beating sparked 1992 LA riots releases rap single with Snoop Dog.

WEB SURF: Kerry is stomping Bush! But, as far as we know, the election won't be decided by this nude polling data.

Do you have a loved one living out of the US? Help them vote like an overseas rock star!

Monday, September 20, 2004

Record Registration

State officials are beginning to report on voter registration numbers and the numbers are amazing. In Oklahoma where they are projecting record participation, even 52 year old Voter Virgins are feeling empowered to cast their ballot. Apartment landlords in LA are making sure their tenets get registration cards so they can vote in November. In New York City today is officially "Voter Registration Day". Even strip clubs weary of John Ashcroft's war against porn are signing up patrons to vote. A variety of events such as concerts, movies, cocktail hours, waxing parties, and street recruiting appear to be making history with their registration drives. Here at VoterVirgin we salute and support all the hard work going on out there. Clearly everybody's doin' it in '04!

BIRDS & BEES: Everyone likes oral action: New study says people with attractive voices get more love.

HOLLYWOOD: Small ratings for small screen ceremony: Emmy Awards gains lowest viewership audience since 1990.

JOCKS: Head games: Sensor-equipped high-tech helmets hope to make football a much safer sport.

TECHNOLOGY: Geeks love hard drives and joy sticks: Wired adds a sex columnist to its online menu.

TUNES: On the road again: Willie Nelson advocates organic alternatives to fossil fuels at Farm Aid concert.

WEB SURF: Digitized disaster: Website recycles unfortunate State of the Union addresses from father and son.

Make some of your own personal history and register everyone you know. Post the VoterVirgin button on your blog, tell everyone your state's registration deadline, and empower them to VOTE!

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Woes In The Guard

Recruiting for the US Armed Forces is down for the first time since September 11th. In particular, the National Guard is seeing a sharp decline in recruits. Billed as an easy part-time job of mostly weekends, most National Guard members are now being shipped to the Middle East on extended tours that can last up to a year or more. With accelerated training to meet the needs of US commanders on the ground, some new recruits are finding themselves with no leave to see their families before shipping out. It is no wonder that 13 members of the South Carolina National Guard went AWOL over Labor Day weekend, but now the whole battalion is in lockdown until they ship out for Iraq. With the shutdown of the barracks one soldier commented, "There's a federal prison at Fort Dix, and a lot of us feel the people in there have more rights than we do,"

BIRDS & BEES: Hard to recognize them when they are not naked: New book photographs clothed and unclothed porn stars.

HOLLYWOOD: So-so on Castro: New Oliver Stone documentary gets lukewarm reception from film festival audience.

JOCKS: Vote for the candidate that does not throw like a girll: So now you know the real reason to support George W. Bush.

TECHNOLOGY: Bill Gates versus the Penguin: Microsoft is lobbying hard to control open source software.

TUNES: He's weird, but he sure can dance: Everything you wanted to know about Beatle Bob but were afraid to ask.

WEB SURF: PlayStation nation: Kerry's controversial combat record in Vietnam has been transformed into a video game.

Don't let your friends be confined to barracks for being AWOL from the election! Register everyone you know to vote!

Friday, September 17, 2004

Don't Believe The Hype

We are constantly bombarded with this opinion poll and that, but it turns out not one cel phone user has been polled this election cycle and that makes for an interesting population answering questions. Think about it. Who do you know that answers the phone to a solicitor? People with no caller id? How many of your friends don't even have a landline? Turns out the youth vote is not apathetic either. So, if they are not polling you or your friends, who are you going to believe? Not the hype, please.

BIRDS & BEES: We think she is over-inflating her complaints: Romanian woman sues for divorce because of blow-up doll.

HOLLYWOOD: Bet he wears his Red Sox hat for the monologue: Ben Affleck will host Saturday Night Live season opener.

JOCKS: You turn me round round baby right round: Man will roll 600 miles to promote peace between India and Pakistan.

TECHNOLOGY: The evolution of the Peeping Tom: New computer virus secretly turns on webcam to allow author to spy on victims.

TUNES: So that's why they call him Slim Shady: Eminem goes nude in new "Encore" video.

WEB SURF: Dark humor: Everything you wanted to know about Leonard Cohen but were afraid to ask.

Apathy Buster: For the procrastinator in your world: "But what if suddenly on November 2nd, you have this overwhelming desire to vote, but you didn't register in time? That would really suck, wouldn't it?"

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Flashback: Fighting Terrorists Before 9/11

Reporters (and judicial investigators) are taking an in depth look at the candidate's pasts and producing a few interesting looks at their actions. No, not all that brouhaha about serving in the military, but the much longer public service and corporate records. If deeds speak louder than words, there are a few good retrospective issues worth taking a look at. Few people remember John Kerry's determination to bring down the drug cartels by busting their bankers, but the Washington Monthly tells the tale well. With interference from many sources, Kerry brought BCCI into the light and closed down a bank with multiple ties to the AlQeada we know today. Meanwhile, Dick Cheney is under investigation for doing business with rogue terrorists countries when he was CEO of Halliburton during the 90's. Halliburton was awarded no-bid contracts to rebuild Iraq and has been caught overcharging by millions of dollars. Dick Cheney is also known to have up to $1 million in deferred payments from his former company since he was elected to be Vice President.

BIRDS & BEES: Smell like a metrosexual! "Cumming" is the signature fragrance from over-the-top Scottish actor.

HOLLYWOOD: Does this mean that Mary-Kay is over the eating disorder? Olsen Twins hired to promote Happy Meals in France.

JOCKS: Straight but not narrow: Eccentric Australian Swimmer Ian Thorpe tells world that he is not gay.

TECHNOLOGY: The $100,000 e-mail: Federal Trade Commission recommends six-figure bounty for spammers.

TUNES: Twist and shout: Reggae superstar Anthony B releases single inspired by destruction of Hurricane Ivan.

WEB SURF: Summer is now over and the winter games have begun: Five fun-filled events comprise the Yeti Olympics.

Apathy Buster: When otherwise lovely people say, "It's just a choice between the lesser of two evils" the obvious response is, "What, you have a problem with less evil?!? Vote (already)!"

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Accountability Under Fire

Even Republicans put Pentagon officials in the hot seat at congressional hearings about our money being spent to rebuild Iraq. It appears that more and more funding is being diverted for security instead of creating jobs, building schools, and improving things like electricity and water. This leaves unemployed young men on the streets and constant reminders of the war on everybody's mind. Future plans fall short of goals and some appear to be unreachable. The cost of rebuilding Iraq is expected to be much higher than projected and the Senators on both sides of the aisle are asking why.

BIRDS & BEES: Shake your nude thing: Spanish town introduces first clothing-optional discotheque.

HOLLYWOOD: The reel right: New Dallas film festival bills itself as Sundance for Republicans.

JOCKS: So much for the Burt Reynolds comeback: Police in Madrid but breaks on "Cannonball Run" re-enactment.

TECHNOLOGY: Enterprise software solution: Website for German radio station now readable in Klingon.

TUNES: Elton on the envelope: Gilbraltar introduces stamp honoring aging rock star.

WEB SURF: Who needs jibjab? Michael Moore and George W Bush make beautiful music together.

Apathy buster:
When your friends say, "My vote doesn't matter" the proper and charming response is,"Well, our vote matters to me, and I matter to you, so will you please vote for my sake?"

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Warning: Prozac Can Bring You Down

Today the FDA voted to warn that some SSRIs (anti depressants) might actually increase the risk of suicide in minors. While studies have been out for over a year indicating that 3% of non-adults may have adverse reactions that lead to overwhelming despair, it was the interpretation of these results that delayed warning the public. Researchers downplayed the risk of this "boomerang effect" citing the benefits to many people. Many minors are treated with medication for depression by their pediatrician, but never participate in psychological treatment. Most professionals believe anyone on medication for a psychological ailment should be monitored closely for effectiveness and side effects. 80% of people treated for depression recover successfully. The $10.9 billions of these anti-depressants sold in the US will now be required to carry a prominent "black box warning" similar to cigarettes. If you believe you are depressed or have thoughts of harming yourself, please call 1-800-784-2433 (a 24 hour hotline for emergencies).

BIRDS & BEES: He likes to watch: Women in relationships more likely to please themselves with sex toys.

HOLLYWOOD: Who needs Kate and Leo? Bunnies re-enact the highlights of "The Titanic" in about 1/100 the time of the hit movie.

JOCKS: Really, they just don't want to see him return to baseball: Major league owners solidly behind GW's re-election campaign.

TECHNOLOGY: And the wedding ring looks so cute on the antenna: California couple ties the knot via cell phone.

TUNES: Two apples too many: Beatles' lawsuit could put Paul McCartney on computer company board of directors.

WEB SURF: The AWOL President: A short review of the abbreviated military career of George W. Bush.

Feeling a little low about the state of our union? Lift your spirits with a vote!

Monday, September 13, 2004

DOA: Assault Weapon Ban

In 1994 the Brady Bill was passed. Named after James Brady, the former press secretary for Ronald Reagan who was paralyzed by a bullet, this is also known as the Assault Weapons Ban. When the bill was signed by President Clinton, it was set to expire in 10 years if not renewed. Despite the fact that 71% of Americans wanted the ban extended, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R) said" "I think the will of the American people is consistent with letting it expire, so it will expire," Many police organizations are deeply disturbed that Congress allowed the ban to expire, knowing that they once again face more firepower on the streets. Some people blame pressure from the NRA who worked to oust candidates that passed the bill ten years ago.

BIRDS & BEES: Get that warm feeling all over: Participate in the election process and you will have your first votergasm.

HOLLYWOOD: One controversial way to generate publicity: Buddhist Monks threaten hunger strike to protest release of indy film.

JOCKS: Do you want to bid on the Firebirds? Owner attempts to sell Arena League football team via eBay.

TECHNOLOGY: Sounds a lot like his grades at Yale: Bush's tech platform scores an "incomplete" from CNet columnist.

TUNES: Election rawk: 1961 record featuring teenage John Kerry and his band Electra now in hot demand.

WEB SURF: And I have a message for them: Tone down your vocabulary with the George W Bush speechwriter game.

Got that upcoming election in your sights? Register for the VoterVirgin Class of '04 where we will commemorate your vote.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Our Foreign Policy: Are We Covered?

Us foreign policy came under fire this week. First from Putin where grieving Russians are trying to make peace with the terrorist attack on an elementary school. Putin blasted the US for continuing to meet with Chechen representatives who are deemed terrorists by the Russian governement. Meanwhile, in a flurry of press interviews and statements, Secretary of State Colin Powell made it clear that the US will not put troops on the ground in Sudan despite the continuing genocide there by unchecked forces. African national forces are prepared to move into the region near Darfur where civilians are being wiped out in attacks. Iraq burst into a flurry of skirmishes over the weekend The Iraqi Prime Minister to claim 3,000 have died in terror related attacks across the country. Meanwhile, security expert Richard Clarke contends we are in more danger than ever for terrorist attacks, but at least he offers solutions. Even business experts are calling for an end to the high cost of terror insurance.

BIRDS & BEES: This should be a long and hard discussion: Ron Jeremy and feminist Susan Cole will debate porn at University of Tennessee.

HOLLYWOOD: No blood for oil: Voices of Ed Asner, Kevin Bacon and Scarlett Johansson featured in new Moveon ad.

JOCKS: From the team that brought you the Bartman fiasco: Chicago Cubs mistakenly send six-figure check to former newspaper carrier.

TECHNOLOGY: Call it the online shakedown: Authors of latest My Doom virus seek employment in the antivirus industry.

TUNES: See what happens when you start messing with Kabbalah? Madonna may have made a man out of George Michael.

WEB SURF: Soft core for sophmores: Check out the hot bods in the new Abercrombie & Fitch video.

Got a new roomie? Are they registered to vote yet? Give them a helping hand and a smile. Send your new friend to

Friday, September 10, 2004

We Will Never Forget

I know exactly where I was when I heard the news. I remember the confusion, the conflicting reports, the hubub and hushes of listening for more on the story. And then the images. The people covered in dust. The falling bodies. The horror and the fear. We gathered in disbelief. We held candles, sent money, scrambled to assist the victims. There were no commercials for days on the TV. I was more than a thousand miles away and I still feel connected to the events in New York, DC, and Pennsylvania three years ago. Most of us do. There will be a lot of rhetoric and discussion about the war on terror this week, but here at VoterVirgin, we set this day aside to remember. Here is the Voices Project, set to rest on the third anniversary of our national tragedy. We can only hope that time begins to heal.

BIRDS & BEES: No solace in sex: Contrary to popular belief, September 11 did not lead to a June 2002 baby boom.

HOLLYWOOD: Wings of revulsion: New Wim Wenders film "Land of Plenty" explores the ugliness of post 9/11 America.

JOCKS: A September to remember: Upcoming HBO documentary chronicles role of baseball in recovery of the American psyche.

TECHNOLOGY: Shining hope to the heavens: Funding authorization ensures that Tribute in Light will continue for another five years.

TUNES: Listen to the sound of sorrow: The Sonic Memorial Project records audio memories of the 9/11 tragedy.

WEB SURF: We miss you very, very much: Powerful website encourages users to leave online memorials to September 11 victims.

PS: A long time ago my mother told me that it is the responsibility of the living to embrace the world around us and live life to the fullest. From grief comes the reminder that we are lucky to be alive. Please vote.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Oil: A Slippery Slope

With some experts predicting that oil production could peak as early as next year, when will we run out of oil altogether becomes the question. The invisible ceiling on a barrel of oil was challenged last week when prices neared $50. Consumers in the US are feeling the first pinch of prices that might go much higher in the next five years. Industry is passing the rising cost of oil on to consumers in other ways like the cost of shipping food. It might seem like no surprise then that the UN reported an undocumented amount of oil disappeared from Iraq for lack of flow meter valves in the ports. Good thing groups like the Apollo Alliance are working towards independence from oil.

BIRDS & BEES: Boy toy: Now anyone can write their name in the snow.

HOLLYWOOD: Redefining retro: Jackass to play Dukes of Hazard on the big screen.

JOCKS: Batton down the tailgate: Ivan bumps Titans with 24 hours to hunker down.

TECH: Bridging the digital divide: Get off the streets with voice mail.

TUNES: Tatu SNAFU cancelled, promoter insists "The Terrorism" will go on.

WEB SURF: Think you can find your way out of a box? How about a Blue Chamber?

Too young to vote? VoterVirgin and Bolt team up to empower your voice in this election: Create your own personal political powerhouse and Speak Up!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Long Time Captive Freed

Found not to be an enemy combatant by the US military tribunal in Guantanamo, an unnamed prisoner of unknown origin will be released to his home country after almost three years of captivity. Countries receiving released prisoners have asked to have their names and country of origin kept secret until the transfer is complete. About 150 prisoners were released before the start of the tribunals, including prisoners captured as teens, at least one of whom turned 18 in prison. This is the first of the prisoners to be released through the military tribunal process. Prisoners in the US base on Cuba have not been given access to lawyers, but are allowed to call witnessses on their behalf. With 30 complete cases, 200 are still pending.

BIRDS & BEES: Blaire is a dog: Bush gets whipped in Brit lingerie ad.

HOLLYWOOD: Nicole Kidman: notorious, but not old enough to be a legend.

JOCKS: Serena loses it: will tennis use instant replay ?

TECH: Recess anyone? Flap your wings.

TUNES: Check that Lazyboy for a little change lately?

WEB SURF: Conspiracy du jour: Dude, where's the plane?

Need to see a smiling face? Check out the VoterVirgin Gallery!

The Controlled Media Uncensored

Ever wonder why some stories and fly and some stories die? Is there a conspiracy to control the media? Who knows! What we do know is that Project Censored has just released "The Most Censored Stories of 2003-4" list and it's a doozie. Since 1976 Sonoma University has sponsored this project to highlight important and yet the most under reported stories of our times. Their annual list of 25 articles is an amazing feat of collaboration, research, and fact checking. So, if you feel like you have been missing something in the press, here is the resource extraordinaire for your literary enjoyment (be sure to check out the past year's lists too). Bon appetit!

BIRDS & BEES: Teen sex influenced by television? Who's shocked?

HOLLYWOOD: Animated Super Bunnies led by pajama clad superhero slated for MTV. Surely this will lead to more teen sex!

JOCKS: Yes, they are still talking about Olympic sexiness.....

TECH: Frances "punches Nasa in the nose": Titan missles survive Hurricane #2.

TUNES: U2 + Kraftwerk = Vertigo (coming in November)

WEB SURF: Get into the Voter Zone: An Eyefull Video designed to be sure Everybody's Doin' It In '04

Voter registration deadlines are coming up fast! Have you inspired the non-voter in your life? Now is the time to sign up for the VoterVirgin Class of '04!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Show Me The Jobs?

After the economic crises of the early 2000s, job creation has failed to meet the expectations of recovery experts. Needing to create an average of 250,000 new jobs a month, US business has failed to deliver. The vast majority of new jobs that have been created are low paying and without benefits. Thousands of labor supporters marched over the weekend holiday in Detroit and LA to protest conditions asking for reasonable hours, decent pay, and fair contracts with benefits. The US Department of Labor released their "America's Dynamic Workforce" report over the holiday as well (good news if you have always dreamed of being a truck driver). If money talks, this is going to be a noisy election.

BIRDS & BEES: According to Star magazine: Cuddle parties are in, one night stands are out.

HOLLYWOOD: FCC to slap record setting $550,000 fine on CBS for Jackson halftime nipple incident.

JOCKS: Armstrong 'Live Strong" wristbands bridge political gap to create cancer fighting unity.

TECH: College students shop for campus tech percs as their digital demands escalate.

TUNES: Beyonce, aka naught girl, too loud for neighbors. Police shut down Jay-Z funded birthday bash.

WEB SURF: Need a little pork smile in your life?

Friends don't let friends not practice safe voting. Prepare and prevent an unwanted voter-rejection-experience (VRE) by educating yourself with the facts.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

The Gloves Are Off

John Kerry came out swinging, defending against the relentless attacks by Republicans of the past week. At a midnight rally in Ohio just after the RNC convened, Kerry told supporters "This is your wake up call" and then blasted Cheney and Bush on their record in office. Many political observers were surprised that the Bush team spent so much podium time blasting Kerry instead of talking about administration accomplishments. The GOP strategy was clear and now the Dems are in the political fight of their lives against the karl Rove spin machine. Media observers are now calling headlines unfair such as "Edwards and wife earned $39mil in last decade" (same article states that Cheney earned $36mil by himself in the year before he was elected as VP) and articles in the Business Review that state Bush has gained a "significant lead" on Kerry of 3 points when the poll has an error margin of, oh, 3-4 points. Bill Clinton, hospitalized and scheduled for quadruple bypass surgery, joking about his condition quipped, "Let me just say this, the Republicans are not the only people who want four more years here," The 2004 national election appears too close to call after the conventions, but it should certainly be an interesting ride.

BIRDS & BEES: Wardrobe malfunction down under as hopeful Miss Australian Universe loses it on stage. Unlike the Superbowl nipple, this ass is unlikely to be fined.

HOLLYWOOD: Ivana (Trump) Young Man to premiere this fall: matchmaking for the successful, older woman seeking the younger man.

JOCKS: Us Open opens in NY. If the Republicans were fined like the players, they would be broke.

TECH: Robo-pop: Robots to deliver drugs in half the time.

TUNES: Big names make tracks for Sudan: new release will feed hungry refugees in Darfur.

WEB SURF: Just in time for fall: Leaf your opinion and watch it grow all day.

Take your favorite voter-holdout by the hand and entice them to register to vote. You can talk about actually getting to the polls later.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

A Show of Force (and Confetti)

This moment in the life of our country will be remembered. Generations will know if we kept our faith and kept our word. Generations will know if we seized this moment, and used it to build a future of safety and peace.
President George W. Bush RNC 2004

Like a drumroll, on the last evening of the GOP convention in NY, retired military and former US Olympic medalists warmed up the crowd for President George Bush to accept his party's nomination. Claiming he will stay the course and continue to fight for freedom and democracy, Bush stressed his pre-emptive strategy. The President reached out to a broad audience including military families and Latinos (not fumbling the Spanish this time). He talked about protecting unborn children, promoting faith based charities, and defined marriage as between a man and a woman. Bush also presented an agenda that includes creating "opportunity zones", expanding testing for high school students, training American workers, and promoting democracy around the world. Bush got big cheers for bashing Kerry, but managed to avoid saying his opponents name on stage. The Bush and Cheney families gathered under confetti and balloons as the convention came to a close.

Bush protesters continued to infiltrate the GOP conference floor, with two briefly disrupting the President's speech. 470 protesters were ordered released just hours before Bush took to the stage. The presiding judge also fined New York City for contempt of court as they continually ignored the court's orders to release the detainees. Many detainees complained that they were innocent bystanders swept up in mass arrests on the street. At least one such unfortunate detainee said it resulted in the "birth of my activism" after being targeted unfairly and treated poorly in custody. Conditions at Chelsea Pier 57 are alleged to be unsafe, with reports of an oily substance on the floor, unsanitary bathrooms, and several cases of respiritory distress and rashes and infections.

BIRDS & BEES: Catholic Church condemns sexy fruit candy in compromising positions.

HOLLYWOOD: RNC celebrities: G-list stars?

JOCKS: Steinbrenner takes a page out of Karl Rove's book and uses 9/11 to rally the team.

TECH: Pay as you play: Napster releases monthly download subscription for listeners.

TUNES: Hey ya! Outkast clarifies: not in NY to support Bush.

WEB SURF: Is it the real world if it's animated, or does that make it just "Drawn Together"?

With all the bashing and the yelling this week, wouldn't it be nice to Spread the Love? Send a personalized e-message to a non-voter close to your heart.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Land Of Opportunity (To Bash Opponents)

"On this night, as we celebrate the opportunities that America offers, I am filled with gratitude to a nation that has been good to me, and I remember the people who set me on my way in life." Vice President Dick Cheney RNC 2004

Everybody came out swinging today at the RNC in New York. In a Battledome-esque Verbal Death Match, speaker after speaker opened fire on Kerry and Edwards. Controversial Georgia Senator Zell Miller who claims to be a Democrat spoke before Cheney tonight and lambasted Kerry in support of Bush. Miller has been divorced from his home county Democrat Party and they insist he is no longer a Democrat. Vice President Cheney took to the podium with a fistful of barbs for his opponents as well. Officially accepting the Republican nomination for Vice President, Cheney pledged to stay the course and fight with all he's got for another four years.

Meanwhile, protesters seemed to largely be on message addressing what they believe is the lack of opportunity in America today. On the streets of New York there was a three mile long "unemployment line" complete with pink slips. On the convention floor, in separate incidents more than a dozen people were arrested and shouted down by delegates hollering "four more years!". More than 1700 protesters have now been arrested since the start of the convention.

Tomorrow: "A Safer World, a More Hopeful America" brings President Bush to the podium to accept his party's nomination.

BIRDS & BEES: Hot and steamy Cheney?: Lynne's out-of-print lesbian romance novel in hot demand.

HOLLYWOOD: Baldwin vs. Baldwin: Alec slams little brother Stephen for supporting GOP.

JOCKS: Baseball teams for Bush: New York Mets are solidly supporting Republican ticket.

TECHNOLOGY: Get your politics off my computer: Re-elect Bush screen saver gets low marks from Internet enthusiasts.

TUNES: Play it loud and play it proud: When not flip-flopping, Kerry swings an electric axe with the best of them.

WEB SURF: Turn the other cheek? Mild-mannered Al Franken lays down the law at Madison Square Garden.

Undecided? That's OK (for now). Just be sure to register to vote now so you can cast your ballot when you are ready to vote.

People Of Compassion Smile A Lot

With Secretary of the Press, Scott McClellan scrambling to explain what President Bush meant yesterday when he said "you can't win the war on terror", the day kicked off with a little clean up in the media. The Republicans insisted on using the Iraqi soccer team as an example of Bush's accomplishments. Despite clear objections from the team to being used for political gain, almost every speaker at the convention, from Barbara Bush to Laura Bush, has evoked their imagine in support of the war in Iraq.

Stand Up And Holla winner, Princella Smith invoked the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King in her speech and called on her generation to be an X-ample With a family focus, there was a lot of crossing back and forth between the generation gap with talk about college kids and veterans in the same sentence.
The darling(s) of the day, surprisingly was not Arnold Scwarzenegger (who compared it to winning an Oscar) nor even the beloved Laura Bush (who talked about the man she fell in love with), it was the well heeled, and totally excellent-ly scripted impish Bush twins that stole the show dishing out a "payback" while introducing their mom. Exuding a naughty inside-secret twinkle in their eyes, they revealed the pet name the Prez and Number one Lady have for eacother: "bushies". Payback is hell.

BIRDS & BEES: Nude not prude: Playboy releases Convention-timed pictorial of sexy Republican intern.

HOLLYWOOD: West Wing vs. West Coast: Ron Silver tells conventioneers about entertainment industry hypocrisy.

JOCKS: GOP power couple: NFL star Jason Sehorn and actress Angie Harmon make MSG appearance.

TECHNOLOGY: Say it don't spray it: Geek-themed bike protest is aborted by NYC police.

TUNES: What convention? Tuesday was opening day for Sean Jean's rap-styled NYC clothing store.

WEB SURF: Are you the next Karl Rove? The Political Machine tests your skill in managing your favorite presidential candidate.

Interested in delivering a message of your own in November? Everything You Need To Know To Practice Safe Voting will help you prepare for the big moment!