Debate #1: The Differences Are Clear
If you missed tonight's debate you can view it in full here (90 minutes) or read the transcript if you prefer. Some would say that Kerry scored a lot of points in tonights debate. Others are calling it a draw. General opinion in the mainstream coverage has the two candidates "exchanging blows" with everyone noting how very different the two men's plans are when it comes to foreign policy. Saying that he would keep an eye on the ball, Kerry called the war in Iraq a diversion from the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. John Kerry stressed that he has a plan to win the peace which includes rebuilding global trust and respect with our allies, ending nuclear proliferation, and empowering Iraq to stand on its own feet ASAP. Bush reiterated his plan to "stay the course" in Iraq repeatedly stating that it was a tough job. Polls conducted directly after the debate showed Kerry winning in the eyes of the voters who tuned in. A CNN/Gallup poll had 53 percent of those surveyed declaring Kerry the victor to 37 percent for Bush; a CBS poll had the margin at 44-26; and ABC had it 45-36 for Kerry. Whatever the final results I am sure they will be debated in the weeks to come.
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Debating whether or not to vote? Don't be silly! Of course you want to cast a ballot! Deadlines to register coming up as early as this Saturday.