Sunday, October 31, 2004

Hey You! Week 3 Haiku! Winners!

Sorry for the late post, the VoterVirgin blog team was out haunting the world for Halloween! You have all contributed a lot of zen over the past three weeks. Thanks!

And tune in on Tuesday, November 2 for our GRAND PRIZE $150 winner announcement!!

Week 3 $50 Winner:

16.. I can drive!
Well guess what's even better?
18.. I CAN VOTE!!!!

Bolt name: hello_kuty

And our lovely Runners Up!

You say you love me
actions speak louder than words
Prove it, vote with me

D. Hoyt voting in Va
Bolt sn: d6pack

talking together
as we inch our way toward change
one vote at a time

Eve leans on a cane
as she waits in line to vote
her future at stake

different ideas
compete for your allegiance
some of them have names

the world is watching
to see how we use freedom
show them who we are

What do you believe
America should become?
Reply by Tuesday.

My name is Constance Campbell and I voted in Austin, TX.

free thinking voters
they know how to turn me on
out to change the world

Alison said...
bolt sn:AliChick1218

Reason # 2 To Do It In '04: Vote To Be Heard

As screwed up as it may be, the truth is our elected officials do not listen to people who don't vote. They might give you an audience and listen to your concern, but if you don't represent people who will go out to the polls, you might as well be speaking with the mike turned off for all they will hear you. These campaigns will not spend a penny trying to reach you if you don't vote. And while there is some benefit when campaigns don't flood you with literature and phone calls, it's hard to get your issues on the radar when there is no focus group worried about your concerns. We all know it's wrong that the system works this way, but we have the power to change it. Stop waiting around to see what the candidates have to say to you and start talking to them. You have a voice. Now is the time to raise it. Be heard. Vote.


If you still need to figure out where to vote try (not a complete list) OR check out the easy instructions at "Everything You Need To Know To Practice Safe Voting".

Election Protection Bilingual Hotline: If you have any trouble voting you can call: 1-866-OUR VOTE. PFAW has also published a lovely voter's right guide for almost every state as well. Do not be denied at the polls this year.

Still undecided? Try The League of Women Voters for a candidate and issues guide OR take the Public Agenda First Choice Quiz to help match your values with candidates.

As the sun begins to set on Halloween 2004, VoterVirgin wants to remind you: IT'S SCARY WHEN YOU DON'T VOTE!! Take the VoterVirgin Pledge and commit to giving democracy your best (over and over and over again).

Friday, October 29, 2004

Reason # 3 To Do It In '04: Vote Because Some People Don't Want You To

Scary, but true, there are actually people in the world who work hard to prevent others from voting. There are documented cases of voter intimidation and worse: misleading flyers that threaten arrest at the polls, illegal tampering with voter registration forms, list "purging", and even shady characters that haunt polling places trying to intimidate those who have come to cast a vote. Sometimes it's more personal. Maybe your uncle thinks you are going to "vote the wrong way" and tries to discourage you. Perhaps that teacher says you can't possibly swing that electoral vote. If you listen to them long enough, or believe the lies they whisper about voting, there is a chance you will succumb and feel too discouraged to vote. Boo! It's scary when you don't vote! You have more fire in the belly than that, don't you? We say vote because someone out there doesn't want you to.

BIRDS & BEES: What's love got to do with it? Where Kerry and Bush stand on sexual issues.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: The War in Iraq is a hot topic, but a lot of Americans aren't straight on the facts(not to mention it is A LOT to keep up with). For future reference: Kerry has a plan and Bush has a plan it's up to the voters to decide who gets a shot at rebuilding Iraq.

JOCKS: Redskins or Packers? History says if home team wins on Sunday, so will incumbent president.

TECHNOLOGY: A picture tells a thousand words: NASA scientist says photo proves Bush was wired during debate.

TUNES: No retreat, no surrender: Springsteen will join Kerry in Cleveland for last-minute campaigning on election eve.

WEB SURF: Internet veterans for the truth: View all your favorite political videos at new site.

Commemorate your first vote by enrolling in the VoterVirgin Class of '04. It's absolutely free and you will be a member of the premiere alumni!

Reason # 4 To Do It In '04: Vote Like You Need A Job

Happily employed? Unemployed? Under-employed? Hoping to be employed in the near future? With our shifting economy and the unsure future of many industries in America our next president will need to have a job plan. The question is, which plan do you think will work? Sooner or later you are going to need one, so please, vote like you need a job.

Bush's job plan
Kerry's job plan

BIRDS & BEES: Masturbation motivation: Seymore Butts offers free DVD to New Yorkers who vote.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Got condoms? Family planning policy is a hot topic this election. Not just the abortion issue, but should we rely on abstinence only education for federally funded programs? Not to mention the issues of parental consent and patient confidentiality and access to birth control. How are the candidates planning for the future families (or not) of America?

JOCKS: Campaign pitch: World Series start Curt Schilling to appear with Bush in New Hampshire.

TECHNOLOGY: Where do I go? New website helps voters find their polling place.

TUNES: Music for dummies: Apple releases special presidential edition of I-Pod.

WEB SURF: He did the monsterlash: Bush's environmental policies are truly scary.

Only a few more days to submit your lovely zen Haiku for possible cash prizes.....

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Reason # 5 To Do It In '04: Vote Because You Own It

Simply put, this land is your land. You own this country. Voting is a votal way of reminding our elected officials who this country belongs to. Whether it is to call for change or to show support, your vote puts the bosses in power. A lot of people will try to get you to sign on to their agenda, but in the end it is completely and freely your vote. Vote because you own it.

BIRDS & BEES: Strange bedfellows: CEO of conservative Sinclair Media Group previously worked for company that processed adult films.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Wild accusations! The campaign is just full of them. Go ahead, get to the bottom of it with a little fact checking.

JOCKS: No more 1918: Kerry proclaims that World Champion Boston Red Sox are America's Team.

TECHNOLOGY: World wide web minus the world: Official Bush site blocked from access by Internet users outside the US.

TUNES: Air America: Rap star P. Diddy funds private jet to get out the vote at swing states.

WEB SURF: Digital election madness: The President offers potential voters his one finger victory salute.

Hey You! Haiku!(for lovely prizes) Participation guaranteed to increase your inner peace between now and the election (and maybe your wallet too!)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Reason # 6 To Do It In '04: Vote For Less Evil

Opinions may vary widely, but one of the lamest excuses not to vote is "It's just a choice between the lesser of two evils". I mean, come on! Who has a problem with less evil? Given the choice I would gladly pick the less evil of a lot of things: the less evil homework, the less evil stepmother, the less evil haircut. So we encourage you to embrace less evil as a good thing for America, no matter which candidate you think qualifies. That's right. Vote for less evil if that's what it takes to get you to the polls. Less evil is a good thing. JUST VOTE.

BIRDS & BEES: Is that a bulge in your shirt or are you happy to see me? Bush denies high-tech love during debate.

CAMPAIGN ISSUE: Health care is not just an issue for old people when more 18-24 year olds than ever don't have insurance. So, what would the candidates do about this? Compare their plans here.

JOCKS: Maybe he was in Cambodia: Did John Kerry really attend Game Seven of the 1986 World Series?

TECHNOLOGY: Heartland holds the key: Online betting sites say that election hinges on Ohio.

TUNES: Bush's problems with the Internets continue: Eminem's pro-administration video "Mosh" now available online.

WEB SURF: Dick Cheney's alive: Contrary to popular belief, the current Vice-President loves to party.

What this election needs is a smile (and more haiku). Are your fellow new voters registered for the VoterVirgin Class of '04? It's not too late to embrace your premiere vote as a group.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Reason # 7 To Do It In '04: Vote For Your Future

Whether or not you are able to save money, you can still invest heavily in your future by voting. Candidates are the people who decide what roads we will drive on (if any), how many EMS crews are funded in your area, what services are available and to who. They build hospitals, libraries, schools, and make the laws in your community. By voting, you choose the people who will make the policies and rates that drive your world. Who shares your vision of a bright future (or at least a vital part of it)? Vote wisely. Vote for your future.

PS: 2004 non-partisan voter guides now available at the League Of Women Voters.

BIRDS & BEES: Small man, small visions: Finally, we know why George is so angry at the rest of the world.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: How important is the Nader Factor? Three out of four Nader supporters say they would vote for Kerry over Bush were their man not in the race. Will the votes that Kerry loses to Nader throw the election to Bush?"

JOCKS: More errors for the home team: Kerry repeatedly flubs score from Red Sox victory in Game One of World Series.

TECHNOLOGY: Everything is more intense on the Internet: Online videos make campaign even more contentious.

TUNES: Punked turns political: Ashton Kutcher goes on campaign trail in Iowa for Kerry.

WEB SURF: Mission impossible: Try to put a brain into the body of President Bush.

Hey you! Have you had your zen for the week? Haiku and win some cash (or groovy prizes)! Guaranteed to increase your sense of inner peace.

Reason # 8 To Do It In '04: The World Is Waiting

We're not talking about a "global litmus test" here. It's just that the rest of the world wants to know whether we endorse our current leaders or want a change. This means a lot. The Bush administration policies have introduced a lot of new concepts: pre-emptive war and abstinence only family planning to name a few and these have effected the world around us profoundly. So, our global neighbors have wondered what the average American thinks about these things and now it's time to let them know with your vote. Vote because the world is waiting.

BIRDS & BEES: Nothing to brag about: Toys in Babeland reviews the presidents record on sex-related issues.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Want to know how the Bush/Kerry tax plans differ? Calculate away right here!

JOCKS: Curse, what curse? Re-election campaign tries to absorb Red Sox magic by visiting spring training facility in Florida.

TECHNOLOGY: Show us your paper trail: New York Times endorses Open Source election software.

TUNES: Slim shady on the soapbox: Hear a clip of from Eminem's anti-Bush rant "Mosh."

WEB SURF: Nothing beats spring break in Fallujah: Learn how much fun the draft can really be.

Looking good in your VoterVirgin gear? Got pics of you voting for the first time? Send us a picture for the gallery and we'll post it (with a smile).

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Hey You! Last Week To Haiku! (and win some $$$)

Hey You! Haiku!

This last week before the election we all need a little zen more than ever! So, take a minute, turn inward, count out a few syllables and share with us whatever it is that turns you on about voting in haiku form. It could be worth cash, which could reciprocate your zen, which could only lead to more inner peace!
Please feel free to submit more new haiku even if you participated already.

Prizes wil be awarded (except where against the law) as follow:
Grand Prize Winner: $150
Weekly First Place Winner: $50
Runner(s) Up: Prize Packs w/ all sorts of goodies

Here are the rules:

1. This contest is open to anyone in the world* except where prohibited by law.

2. Each individual may submit up to 5 haiku per week. Haiku must adhere to 5/7/5/ traditional syllable structure. BTW: go ahead and rhyme if you want to.
Post your haiku as a comment.

3. No mention or flaming of the candidates, their families, political parties, etc. In other words: BE NICE (please). Please stick to an election season theme.

4. No anonymous posts will be judged. You do not have to be a member of blogger, but you must identify your first initial and last name, state you will be voting in, and may include a quote or blog link. If we can't find you, we can't award you a prize.

5.Weekly winners and three runners up will be announced each Sunday (10/17, 24, 31/ 2004)for three weeks. A grand prize winner from among the weekly winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 2nd. All judging decisions by the VoterVirgin blog team are final.

* Please note: members that identify themselves are subject to WIN random groovy BOLT swag!! VoterVirgin Class of '04 members do tend to get stickers in the mail as well.....

All these rules are subject to state law and may change at any time.

HEY YOU! Week 2 HAIKU! Winners!!!

It was very hard for the votervirgin blog team to choose only three winners from all the lovely entries, but here you go!

Week 2 $50 Winner:

Want to know the truth?
The only way to my heart?
You have got to VOTE!

Sazzy said...
bolt username: lalakersgirl

Week 2 Prize Pac Winners!

paper trails grin down
electronic votings glare
dont steal my country

robert kelly hollabaugh
austin TX

let your voice be heard
every vote is important

A. DeOcampo
Voting in California

My vote counts for my
Freedom, which can't be taken
Why wouldn't you vote?

by bolt member CallMeCarrieB

Congratulations! And remember you can submit more haiku in week 3!!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Reason # 9 To Do It In '04: For Those Who Have Come Before Us

There was a haiku this week that summed up the inspiration that comes from remembering all those who have worked for our right to vote.

CC said...
in line at the polls:
Susan B in front of me,
Martin at my side

More than just the prominent historic figures, there are millions of people just like us that took action so we can vote today. French and American revolutionaries waged powerful uprisings to create a democratic process and ever since citizens have continued to work towards equality for all. We hear about Susan B. Anthony and Dr. Martin Luther King, but besides these names there are hundreds and thousands of organizers, marchers, artists, and individual visionaries that dedicated some part of their lives so you can vote. Some of these activists might be people you know. Chances are, your grandparents (or great grandparents) were not allowed to vote. Did they march for the right to vote? Have you asked? We are surrounded by the spirit of all these people every time we go vote. Do it for those who have come before us......

Friday, October 22, 2004

Countdown: Top Ten Reasons To Do It In '04 (we mean voting, silly!)

VoterVirgin is proud to countdown to November 2, 2004 with our
Top Ten Reasons To Vote
Day 10: Because You Can!

You are an adult. You have gone to the trouble to register. You live in a country where citizens are allowed to vote. You are smart enough to choose a candidate. You are smart enough to defend your right to vote. You have not lost your right to vote because of a felony conviction. You have not been deemed incompetant by a court of law. Yes, you can!

BIRDS & BEES: Another razor-thin margin of victory? Close shave predicted for 2004 election results.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Jobs. Kerry's plan. Bush's plan. Nuff said.

JOCKS: Un-athletic activists miss their mark: Pie-throwing protesters in Arizona fail to connect with Ann Coulter.

TECHNOLOGY: More alarming e-voting problems: Citzens report disturbing Kerry / Bush switch in New Mexico.

TUNES: Truer words were never spoken: According to Eminem, "Bush is definitely not my home."

WEB SURF: Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny: The Onion attacks the 2004 election.

Have you enrolled in the VoterVirgin Class of '04? There is still time before graduation!

Common Ground: The Issues That Matter

In order of concern, the top three voter priortities are: the economy, the war, and healthcare. Turns out that our nation's senior voters are worried about the war in Iraq just as much as the youth vote. For all we have been told that there is a huge generation gap and America is divided, that there is far more common ground than we have been led to believe. Have you offered that senior citizen in your world a ride to the polls yet?

BIRDS & BEES: Fantasies of a better America: Phone sex plus political activism equals true love.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: The US is not a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC)which was established as a permanent war crimes tribunal in 2002. Bush adamently opposes "hauling US soldiers in front of foreign judges" and has gone so far as to cut military aid to countries that join the court. Others feel differently.

JOCKS: Gunning for the NRA vote: Kerry goes hunting for undecided votes in Ohio.

TECHNOLOGY: No, I'm geeker than he is: Candidates seek credibility in the computer community.

TUNES: No harmony here: Philip Glass sues conservative filmmakers for unauthorized use of his music.

WEB SURF: Dum de dum dum: Passions about the presidential election start young in this family.

Last minute questions before you go vote? That's why we offer "Everything You Need To Know To Practice Safe Voting".

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Highest Ranking Soldier Enters Guilty Plea

So far, the only persons charged with prisoner abuse are soldiers (not commanding officers). On trial in Baghdad yesterday, Staff Sergeant Ivan Frederick plead guilty to all charges against him. The charges include conspiracy, dereliction of duty, maltreatment of detainees, assault and committing an indecent act. He described his actions in the now infamous Iraq prison in detail including his orders from military intelligence officers. More investigations continue including the death of two Iraqi prisoners that implicates 26 more soldiers and a prisoner death just this past Tuesday. Ironically, while Frederick will be sentenced today, General Sanchez who oversaw the prison is slated to receive his fourth star from Rumsfeld this year.

BIRDS & BEES: Right feels better: Survey says Republicans more satisfied with their sex lives than Democrats.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: How does the electoral college work? Can the electoral college be reformed? Should it be? Colorado thinks so and has a plan to distribute electoral votes proportionatly.

JOCKS: Moneyball: Owner of San Diego Chargers gives $5 million to re-election campaign.

TECHNOLOGY: More problems with the Internets: George Bush website suffers technical difficulties.

TUNES: Boss trouble: Reporters from Minnesota suspended for attending Springsteen concert.

WEB SURF: Words speak louder than actions: How the president commands his language.

News Flash! Early voting has begun in 27 states! If you encounter ANY problem, call the Election Protection Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683).

PS: You can still register to vote in WI(until October 20) as well as VT, IA, and Maine (until October 23)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Early Voting Turnout Is Record High

In most states some sort of voting has already begun in the 2004 national election. Absentee ballots have been sent and are arriving at county clerk's offices around the country. In person early voting got off to a big kick in several states on Monday and logged record numbers in voter turnout. In Arkansas, despite stormy weather, turnout formed lines at the polls. Florida is working out glitches under an international microscope, and still voters are turning out in droves. Even Texas set a first day record for casting ballots. Up to 50% of American voters are expected to cast ballots before November 2nd.

BIRDS & BEES: Too much Bush equals two weeks off: Arnold gets the cold shoulder after convention speech.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Where the heck can a voter find truly non-partisan information about all the candidates? League of Women Voters, or Project Vote Smart, silly .

JOCKS: Eyes wide shut: John Kerry thinks he can get the support of all soccer moms.

TECHNOLOGY: Ignoring the geek vote: Intel CEO annoyed that candidates aren't talking tech.

TUNES: Boot-scootin' all the way to the ballot box: County music is getting more political.

WEB SURF: All is not what it seems here: Check out Vietnam Veterans for George W. Bush.

Hey You! Are you feeling the zen yet? Could you use a little inner reflection and some cash? Haiku!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Iraq War Unites Insurgents

Iraq's instability took a turn for the worse this week when Islamic websites announced that al-Zarqawi, the alleged ringleader of Iraqi insurgents, pledged his loyalty to Osama Bin Laden and AlQueda. Zarqawi, Iraq's most wanted man, is in Fallujah and is held responsible for several kidnappings, beheadings, and bombings in the newly liberated country. Not quite the uniting Bush had in mind, this alliance is not good news for those seeking peace in Iraq.

BIRDS & BEES: Polling places of a different stripe: Men's clubs are helping in get out the vote effort.

CAMPAIGN ISSUE: Why is the price of gas at an all time high (up $.43/this year)? Is there a candidate with an energy plan?

JOCKS: Does real-life parallel the election game? Bush losing ground in elusive voting futures market.

TECHNOLOGY: A smashing success: Unique exhibit in New York allows artists to vent on e-voting frustrations.

TUNES: Bands and ballots: Grass-roots registration effort in Connecticut targets young people in live music venues.

WEB SURF: Educated voters sure do see through the facade: What John Kerry really stands for.

Need a little zen leading up to the election? Hey You! Haiku! Week 2 Rules have been loosen up for more comfort. (Including a special bonus for members) Enter today and win up to $150!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Hey You! (Week 2) Haiku! (Updates Rules)

Hey You! Haiku!

We have decided to loosen up the rules a little bit. No age limit, less time constraint, and enrollment is optional. We think this will add to the zen we hope to perpetuate between now and the election results. So, take a minute, turn inward, count out a few syllables and share with us whatever it is that turns you on about voting in haiku form. It could be worth cash, which could reciprocate your zen, which could only lead to more inner peace!

Prizes wil be awarded (except where against the law) as follow:
Grand Prize Winner: $150
Weekly First Place Winner: $50
Runner(s) Up: Prize Packs w/ all sorts of goodies

Here are the rules:

1. This contest is open to anyone in the world* except where prohibited by law.

2. Each individual may submit no more than 5 haiku per week. Haiku must adhere to 5/7/5/ traditional syllable structure. BTW: go ahead and rhyme if you want to.
Post your haiku as a comment.

3. No mention or flaming of the candidates, their families, political parties, etc. In other words: BE NICE (please).

4. No anonymous posts will be judged. You do not have to be a member of blogger, but you must identify your first initial and last name, state you will be voting in, and may include a quote or blog link. If we can't find you, we can't award you a prize.

5.Weekly winners and three runners up will be announced each Sunday (10/17, 24, 31/ 2004)for three weeks. A grand prize winner from among the weekly winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 2nd. All judging decisions by the VoterVirgin blog team are final.

* Please note: members that identify themselves are subject to WIN random groovy BOLT swag!! VoterVirgin Class of '04 members do tend to get stickers in the mail as well.....

All these rules are subject to state law and may change at any time.

No Shame In Doin' It Early

Cate Edwards (John Edwards daughter) has already done "it" . In fact, several states (AR, AZ, CA, CO, FL, IA, KY, OH, NC, NM, NV, TN, TX, WV) full of citizens are now ready to go ahead and do it in historic proportions. We are talking about early voting of course! Personally, we can hardly wait to go out there and do it. All this talk talk talk and no action is pretty frustrating. Some of you may need more time to decide who gets your vote, but if you are ready (and willing) chances are you can vote now and be done with it. Please go vote.

BIRDS & BEES: Activating the adult vote: No Bush Girls rally at weekend event in Los Angeles.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Civil liberties vs. security. A federal judge recently said, "We cannot simply suspend or restrict civil liberties until the war on terror is over because the war on terror is unlikely ever to be truly over,". With the Patriot Act ready to expand like a marshmallow in the microwave, where do you stand?

JOCKS: That's where he learned to scrum: As a college rugby player, Bush was full of punch.

TECHNOLOGY: Geeking the vote: Promising new website bills itself as "Slashdot for politics."

TUNES: Putting the pop back in politics: More and more bands are taking a stand about the election.

WEB SURF: World party How the rest of the earth would vote in the presidential election.

Still nervous about what to expect the first time? Here's an insiders view of what you will find when you go to vote.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Warren Wins Week One!

Warren B. in NY submitted this haiku and won the $50 Weekly Prize!

Ballot has Donkeys
and Elephants; are any
candidates people?

From Warren:

I'm originally from Woodbury, Long Island, and went to Brandeis Univ. ('95), Univ. of Miami (MM '97), and CUNY Hunter College (MA '03). I'm currently living on the upper east side of Manhattan, and teach music (concert band, jazz band, string ensemble and musical theater) at Talent Unlimited High School, as well as direct a pop vocal band and play piano for a cabaret project.

I found out about VoterVirgin from a friend on LiveJournal. Since we live under an outmoded federal electoral system and I'm in a state that's been given up for "blue", getting out the vote around here would be a silly endeavor; since the primaries ended, New Yorker's haven't seen a single presidential campaign ad on TV, thank God. However, I _have_ donated to Kerry's campaign, so I've done my part by proxy in a battleground state somewhere.

I was _born_ ready to vote in this presidential election; although I dislike knee-jerk liberalism as much as I hate knee-jerk conservatism, there's never been a starker choice between a authoritarian hatemonger and... well, a non-authoritarian non-hatemonger. I voted for Nader last time, and it hurts to not do it this time. He may appear to be running for ego's sake this time, but if the statewide polls are lopsided enough towards Kerry come Election Day, I may vote Nader this time too, to do my tiny futile part to support him and his principles. What a system we have where, in certain states, we can be assured that our votes really _don't_ affect the result in the end, eh?

I also like to think I can change some minds long-distance by using humor to inform others about issues that are important to me and perhaps are being sidestepped or glossed over hypocritically by the campaigns (*coughMaryCheneycough*). I've got some Onion-style articles on that political folks (and artsy folks) might enjoy. Check 'em out and tell me what you think (and be generous with the ratings!).

President Blames "Faulty Intelligence" For Wrong Date Of Rapture
Taiwan's President Opens Door for Unification, Getting Hung By ToenailsDisney Rejects Comcast Takeover Offer, Cites Bid's Lack of Catchy Soundtrack
Number Of Electronic Devices That Actually Work Correctly On The RiseNew York Yankees To Build Orbiting Baseball Stadium Of Unspeakable PowerBush "troubled" by activist Founding Fathers
Bush Seeks to Protect Marriage from People Who Are Gay, Post-Menopausal, Barren, Self-Absorbed, Ugly
Bush decries "partisan" Congress for establishing Memorial Day
Al-Qaeda hates America, plans attacks, says US Dept. of Obvious
Phish Retires; U.S. Employment Figures Plummet

Runners up to receive VoterVirgin prize packs are:

Robert H:

bullets flying by
mommy can i come home yet
if he doesnt win

T. Ahmed, CA

The "Americans"
stifle my South Asian voice
Now I will be heard

Congratulations! And thanks for adding to the zen before the election!

Don't forget to submit a haiku for this week's contest. Rules at Hey You! (Week 2) Haiku!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Army Reserve Mutiny?

Members of one Army Reserve Unit were held at gunpoint and detained after refusing to go on what they called a "suicide mission". Unwilling to deliver fuel in unarmored trucks with no armed escort to a location just north of Bagdhad they may now be charged with insubordination, a very serious crime under military law.


BIRDS & BEES: Thong protest not wrong: Charges dropped against Pennsylvania men who disrobed during Bush visit.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: The draft: will it be necessary? And why did the RNC tell Rock the Vote to shut up about it already?

JOCKS: An endorsement to take off your shirt about: Stars from gold medal winning women's soccer team support Kerry.

TECHNOLOGY: Election re-boot? Computer crash in Florida adds to concern about safety of electronic voting.

TUNES: Tonight we're going to party like its 911: Prince video about terrorist bombing sparks protests.

WEB SURF: Pirates and emperors throughout history: The Iraqi conflict is part of a long and unfortunate trend.

Trying to stay zen between now and the election? Hey You! Haiku!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Naught or Nice? Better Check The List!

Turns out some people might have registered to vote and then had their forms shredded instead of turned in. It's also possible that if you forgot to check any of those little boxes you might have been "disqualified" to vote. In Ohio, they are contesing the rejection of any voter registration that was not printed on 80lb, paper. Countless lawsuits across the nation over these and other problems are already being filed in court by all sides. So, what do you do? Verify that you are registered to vote! No harm in checking that list twice, right?

BIRDS & BEES: More dirty campaign tactics: Ukrainian voters lured with offer of free striptease.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Is the US safer? Is the world safer? Will we ever be safe again? Were we safe to begin with? Could we be safer? Go get a hug. We all need one.

JOCKS: 1918 all over again: Republicans hammer Kerry on remarks about his favorite baseball team.

TECHNOLOGY: The downloaders are destroying Democracy! Ashcroft vows crackdown on piracy.

TUNES: Music with a message: Heavenly States plans Election Day release of anti-war single.

WEB SURF: Time for the nation to be concerned: Memory of George Bush fails him again.

VoterVirgin seeks cunning linguists to capture that tingly feeling you get from democracy. Hey You! Haiku! (and CASH PRIZES too!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Still Undecided?

If you are choosing to be vote-active this election season, it's important that you feel empowered to cast your vote. We know that if you are vote-active, sooner or later you will have your heart broken, but that's why we're all adults. We hope all VoterVirgins are inspired to do it in '04. (the rewards certainly outweigh the heartache). By now you have had access to a lot of resources and even had the chance to see a series of debates between the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. The good news is, you still have 20 days to make a decision and Wired has compiled a list of quizes that might help you sort out a few remaining issues. Of course, the list comes with a warning: Voters make decisions, not questionnaires.

BIRDS & BEES: Making whoppie at the White House: What kind of sex lives do the two candidates enjoy?

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: My friend Kim K. wants to know why she works 12 hours a day for minimum wage and can't pay her bills. Don't you?

JOCKS: Forty and out: Obeying wishes of league office, quarterback removes decal honoring fallen soldier.

TECHNOLOGY: Election a go-go: Detailed campaign donor data now available via mobile phone.

TUNES: Flipping to the top: The Right Brothers "Waffle House" single climbs the country charts.

WEB SURF: Doing the time warp: The Rocky Horror Picture Show, as seen by George W Bush and John Kerry.

Call it Hi-"coo" if you will. Just know, if you submit, you might get cash in return.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Entire Buildings of Nuclear Material Missing In Iraq

Years ago, the IAMB ( International Atomic Monitoring Board) went into Iraq to survey the equipment that could be used to make a nuclear weapon. They sealed these machines and monitored their whereabouts quite effectively until they were evacuated from Iraq and prevented from re-entering the country by the US. Their new report indicates that entire buldings housing high tech equipment have been dismantled and disbursed to unknown locations in a feat even David Copperfield would be proud of. Officials are required to report any of this equipment being moved, but do not seem to have complied with this. Reminiscent of Baghdad Bob, Iraqi officials now insist there is no missing equipment despite the evidence of commercial satellite photos.

BIRDS & BEES: Old nudes is still news: Conservative congressman haunted by a streak from the past.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: What's your favorite position?: Online sex mag lays out the candidate's platform on ten major issues.

JOCKS: Baseball wins this round: Most Boston fans will chose ballgame on Wednesday night.

TECHNOLOGY: Be wary of the web: Online voter guides offer very different presidential visions.

TUNES: Rock for change: Midnight Oil singer Peter Garret wins spot in Australian parliament.

WEB SURF: But what about the ferrets? George Bush plus Gary Busey equals love.

Cash rewards for Wit: VoterVirgin seeks cunning linguist to capture that tingly feeling democracy can evoke. Hey You! Haiku?

The Media Gone Wild

Sinclair Broadcasting has determined that they will air a controversial anti-Kerry film that takes issue with his protesting the Vietnam war after he returned as a decorated hero. Forcing some stations to pre-empt regularly scheduled prime time shows, Sinclair says they are putting together a "news event" and have invited Kerry to appear as a guest. This film has already been widely criticized as partisan, taking words very far out of context, and a distortion of the facts. Likewise, 60 Minutes which has been working for months on a piece about the intelligence that lead us into war in Iraq, has chosen NOT to air their piece before the election because they do not want to be percieved as promoting a partisan agenda.

BIRDS & BEES: Whatever it takes: Getting naked to get out the vote in California.

CAMPAIGN ISSUE: Stem cell research might have saved Superman, but can we stop arguing about it long enough to do some research?

JOCKS: The curse of the Bambino: Is the fate of John Kerry and this year's Red Sox team intertwined?

TECHNOLOGY: Slow to change Experts charge that government is withholding important e-voting data.

TUNES: Do you feel like we do? New US citizen Peter Frampton comes alive for Democrats.

WEB SURF: Light my fire: Vote for your favorite party animal in the Zippo Election Challenge.

Calling all you witty linguists: have you submitted your election season haiku yet? Did we mention cash prizes?!?

Monday, October 11, 2004

Hey You! Haiku?

VoterVirgin is tickled to announce a contest of wit and brevity with cash rewards

Hey You! Haiku!

Traditional haiku often reflects the seasons, but not usually election season. VoterVirgin hopes to commemorate the first vote, the feel of the fall breeze, the first time, whatever it is that turns you on about voting we want to hear about it in 5/7/5 verse. BTW: go ahead and rhyme if you want to.

Prizes wil be awarded (except where against the law) as follow:
Grand Prize Winner: $150
Weekly First Place Winner: $50
Runner(s) Up: Prize Packs w/ all sorts of goodies

Here are the rules:

1. You must be registered for the VoterVirgin Class of '04 (absolutely free). This contest is open to anyone in the world except where prohibited by law.

2. Each individual may submit no more than one post per day (only 1 haiku allowed per post) for a total of no more than 5 haiku per week. Haiku must adhere to 5/7/5/ traditional syllable structure. Post your haiku as a comment.

3. No mention or flaming of the candidates, their families, political parties, etc. In other words: BE NICE (please).

4. No anonymous posts will be judged. You do not have to be a member of blogger, but you must identify your first initial and last name, state you will be voting in, and may include a quote or blog link. If we can't find you in the VoterVirgin Class of '04 roll book, we can't award you a prize.

5.Weekly winners and three runners up will be announced each Sunday (10/17, 24, 31/ 2004)for three weeks. A grand prize winner from among the weekly winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 2nd. All judging decisions by the VoterVirgin blog team are final.

All these rules are subject to state law and may change at any time.

BIRDS & BEES: Naked Bush made them blush: Presidential painting pulled from Washington DC museum.

CAMPAIGN ISSUES: Both men have a plan, but what do Bush and Kerry plan to do to improve health care in America and what do the experts have to say about those plans?

JOCKS: Politics is the new national pasttime: Fox baseball ratings slide because of vice-presidential debates.

TECHNOLOGY: Aural stimulaton: Was Bush's debate performance aided by electronic earpiece?

TUNES: Great, but this might have meant more in the 1996 election: Better than Ezra backs Kerry.

WEB SURF: The more cannon fodder the better: See how your favorite candidate performs in the political circus.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Doin' It Down Under Too, Mate

A shout out to all the VoterVirgins down under as they head to the polls in Australia. The Aussie election is in some ways eerily similar to the impending US election. Prime Minister John Howard, a conservative and staunch ally of Bush in the War on Iraq, is neck in neck in the polls with his just left of center opponent, Mark Latham. Political tension and rhetoric are high with two very different choices being presented to voters. The big difference is that Australians are required to vote (or face fines/ jail time) and votes are ranked by preference to provide an instant run off. So, all you brand new Australian VoterVirgins, even though you are required to do it, we salute you!

BIRDS & BEES: Skin makes us grin: Study by Australian professor finds that pornography makes most people happy.

HOLLYWOOD: Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery: Anti Michael Moore film "Farenhype 911" hits video stores.

JOCKS: No love here: Mayor of Warsaw wants to ban World Sex Championships from coming to town.

TECHNOLOGY: Living in the connected world: How to communicate better with your roommates.

TUNES: Good to be in DC: Those wacky pranksters at JibJab are at it again with the political parody songs.

WEB SURF: The animal kingdom is one big choir: Everybody loves the never-ending llama song.

Hey You! Haiku? Think you might be a cunning linguist? Register for the VoterVirgin Class of '04 and practice that 5/7/5 for a little election season wordsmithing contest. Details on Monday!

10 Million VoterVirgins Poised to Vote Tomorrow

In a country haunted by unrest, Afghanistan will hold their first ever democratic elections on Saturday. Hundreds of thousands of national and international troops, election observers, and democracy advocates have gathered to insure a peaceful election, but their hopes and nerves are frazzled. Of all the country, the capitol has been the safest region, but rocket strikes in Kabul are adding to the mayhem.There are many conflicting powers struggling for recognition as election eve falls. The Taliban is still a force to be reckoned with and in particular wants to discourage women from feeling safe enough to vote. Regional warlords are running for seats and campaigning sometimes on horseback in former enemy camps. Karzai, the Afghani interim president, has only made two campaign appearances for security concerns. In fact, his running mate narrowly escaped an assassination attempt just yesterday. So, send some warm thoughts to the 10 Million Afghani VoterVirgins out there this weekend. A vote is a precious thing. Let's hope they are cast peacefully

BIRDS & BEES: The naked gene: Are college students biologically programmed to bare themselves in public?

HOLLYWOOD: Beauty and the beast: Charlize Theron confesses that she would love to marry Ozzy Osbourne.

JOCKS: Phone phun: Annoy your friends with voice mail from annoying ESPN college football anchor.

TECHNOLOGY: Good things come in small packages: 70 mile per gallon microcar coming to US by 2006.

TUNES: Barbecued apple still OK: Movie shows that burned I-Pod continues to deliver music.

WEB SURF: Many a truth is said in jest. Debate for ratings is the American way of campaigning.

Are you prepared to vote? Check in with the Department of Voteland Security (no affiliation with any government anywhere)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Is No News Good News?

It's official, there were no WMDs stockpiled in Iraq. There is no US House Bill to reinstate the draft (it was voted down in an emergency vote last night)though the Senate bill still stands. And there might be no flu vaccine for some people this year after half the doses were deemed unsafe. Not to mention there is no specific or credible threat to US elections. Like I said, no news.

BIRDS & BEES: Get a hotel room already! Italian court rules that sex in public bathroom is OK if door closed.

HOLLYWOOD: Too much wood: New Trey Parker / Matt Stone movie tone down puppet sex scene to avoid NC-17 rating.

JOCKS: Always so many rules: What happened at yesterday's meeting of the London Pillow Fight Club?

TECHNOLOGY: Game on: $400,000 in prize money up for grabs at fourth annual World Cyber Games.

TUNES: Alternative medicine: Touring not surgery is cure for cancer, says blues singer Gatemouth Brown.

WEB SURF: How far in can you go? Explore the infinite possibilities of life with the zoom quilt.

Register to Vote (before it's too late)!
Friday, October 8th: NY, NC
Tuesday, October 12th: MD, OR
Wednesday, October 13th: UT, DE (by 4:30PM), MA,
Friday, October 15th: NE
Monday, October 18th: CA, KS, SD
Tuesday, October 19th: CT
Saturday, October 23: IA, NH
Monday, October 25th: VT (by noon)
Wednesday, October 27th: WV

In some states you can register the same day as the election: ME, MN, ID, WI, WY

In North Dakota, voter registration is not required!

Michael Moore's Underwear Possibly Illegal In Michigan

In another political twist (or perhaps a wedgie)Michigan Republicans are calling for Michael Moore to be prosecuted for giving away underwear, potato chips and ramen noodles on his "Slacker Uprising Tour". Moore has taken to the road across swing states speaking to packed crowds of Bush opponents and registering voters. Moore's presentation includes an "essentials" give away which is now being questioned as illegal because you cannot reward someone for a vote. Who knew Michael Moore's underwear would cause such an uproar? Whatever happened to 'let the voter eat ramen'?

BIRDS & BEES: Ahh, there's the rub: Study finds that regular breast massage leads to better health.

HOLLYWOOD: Wrinkle wrangle: Fierce court battle surrounding effects of botox is rocking Beverly Hills.

JOCKS: Hefty price tag for handshakes: White House visit will cost US Olympic Committee over half a million

TECHNOLOGY: The science of suds: Beer with added carbonation and sweetner to hit the market soon.

TUNES: Not so simple: Paris Hilton booed off stage as she attempts to launch music career.

WEB SURF: Go for the gusto, go for the gold: Who needs e-mail when you can have pee-mail?

Feeling inspired? Spread the Love and encourage your friends to sign up for the first ever VoterVirgin Class of '04 (it's free) so you can make beautiful history together!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

VP Showdown In Ohio Tonight

The only chance to see the two Vice President candidates go head to head is tonight. With very different styles and messages, this should be an interesting showdown between two very different men. Dick Cheney is one tough cookie, kind of like that uncle you know will lecture you about your grades. John Edwards is a friendlier figure, but don't underestimate his knowledge and ability to think quickly on his feet. Neither man is just a pretty face and traditionally the VPs really go for the jugular vein while the Presidential candidates play it cool. You can expect Halliburton to be an issue as well as Edwards past career as a trial lawyer.

BIRDS & BEES: Not so good vibrations: Adult sex toy triggers security alarm, closing Australian airport.

HOLLYWOOD: Viewers, watchers and followers: Study finds that choice of TV drama changes political perception.

JOCKS: Jumping quickly for joy: Indian establishes new world record by skipping 136 times in span of 15 seconds.

TECHNOLOGY: Post election erection: Old campaign websites never die, they just morph into pornography.

TUNES: Rock against re-election: Review of Opening Night of the Vote for Change tour in Philadelphia.

WEB SURF: Uuh, uuh, uuh, uuh, uuh: Exactly how bad was Bush in the first presidential debate?

An important part of practicing safe voting is to know who you are giving your vote to so gather a friend or two and check out tonight's VP debate (9PM EST).

Monday, October 04, 2004

US CyberChief Resigns Immediately

In a surprising move, Amit Yoran, the head of US cyber safety for the past year, quit suddenly on Thursday with no notice. Yoran is credited with creating a virus alert system and mapping the government's electronic communications. Yoran created a security system that was bought by Sematech where he stayed on as a security expert until coming to work for the Bush administration. He had recently expressed his frustration at holding such as important job, but with little authority and not enough funding to protect US cyberspace. Upon resigning he stated, "They just aren't really committed to making our cyberspace safer".

Don't forget to tune in for the VP debate between Cheney and Edwards Tuesday night, October 5th in Cleveland, Ohio at Case-Western University.

BIRDS & BEES: Sex and the Supreme Court: Justice Antonin Scalia says orgies eliminate societal tension.

HOLLYWOOD: Right stuff on left coast: Liberty Film Festival brings conservative values to West Hollywood.

JOCKS: Has he taken his last swing as a single man? Newspapers say that Tiger Woods will be wed this week.

TECHNOLOGY: A captive audience: Interactive urinal communicator is the newest advertising innovation.

TUNES: The sound of silence: Many editors are not allowing their reporters not to attend Vote for Change concerts.

WEB SURF: The only thing to fear is fear itself: And the GOP is doing a good job of keeping America scared.

Friends don't let friends forget to register to vote.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Sex and Politics We Missed During the Debate

On Thursday, the US House was unable to pass the a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. House GOP leader, Tom Delay who was reprimanded this week by the ethics committee for going too far to secure votes, vowed to continue to fight for the ban despite the defeat. 11 states will have gay marriage ban proposal votes this fall. Meanwhile, uber-conservative Supreme Court Justice Scalia publicly stated he thinks orgies would relieve social tension and encourages them.

BIRDS & BEES: New tricks for old dogs: Online dating growing more popular for elder Americans.

HOLLYWOOD: 20 years after his death FBI deems John Lennon is still a threat to national security.

JOCKS: Which presidential debate? Hank Lombard and Destiny Sweetwater tackle the future of sports.

TECHNOLOGY: The keyboard of the future: Offbeat computer features that we would like to see.

TUNES: Music can make a difference in people's lives: New CD from Green Day blasts George Bush.

WEB SURF: Do debators repeat themselves? Plug a phrase into the debate spotter and find out.

PROCRASTINATOR ALERT! Register to vote before the deadline passes!
Friday, October 1st: MS,
Saturday, October 2nd: NV (by mail)10/13 (in person),
Sunday, October 3rd: Alaska, Arkansas, DC,
Monday, October 4th: Arizona, CO, FL, GA, HI,IN, KY, LA, MI, MT, NJ,OH, PA, TX, VA (by noon)
Tuesday, October 5th: IL, NM
Wednesday, October 6th: MO
Friday, October 8th: NY, NC
Tuesday, October 12th: MD, OR
Wednesday, October 13th: UT, DE (by 4:30PM), MA,
Friday, October 15th: NE
Monday, October 18th: CA, KS, SD
Tuesday, October 19th: CT
Saturday, October 23: IA, NH
Monday, October 25th: VT (by noon)
Wednesday, October 27th: WV

In some states you can register the same day as the election: ME, MN, ID, WI, WY

In North Dakota, voter registration is not required!